Can I Spell Check an Entire Folder?
February 12, 2011 11:33 PM

I’ve amassed a fairly large collection of documents over the years. Among other things, I keep text files, MS Word documents, PDFs, HTML files and a few other formats. Many of these contain my own writing. I am a terrible speller. I was wondering if there was some sort of application that could recursively spell check all documents within a folder, similar to how MS Windows can search for a text string in all documents within a folder. For the past few days, I’ve been opening every document in my collection (that I wrote) and pasting the text into MS Word to spell-check it. At the rate I am going, this will take months. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
posted by Gusy to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Microspell won't recursively spell check. But it will make spell-checking any one document about ten times faster than traditional spell checkers. It's one of a very few software products I've paid money for instead of using an open source alternative.

Try it online:
posted by orthogonality at 11:49 PM on February 12, 2011

Just spellcheck and re-save when you find the need to open the old file. Probably less work for the same effect. Do you really use all that old stuff?
posted by gjc at 6:07 AM on February 13, 2011

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