Help me name a band.
April 20, 2005 7:27 AM

Funfilter: I just joined another band. Help me name it.

What is new to me here is that this my very first cover band. We are doing mostly Elvis Costello, Joe Jackson, David Bowie, Cars, Tears for Fears etc....

Whe are mostly in our late 20's with the exception of a 40+ guitarist.

So please suggest away without inhibition and ignore all the stuff at the bottom of the page about wisecracks, as in this case, smartass and useful may be one and the same
posted by sourwookie to Media & Arts (65 answers total)
For some reason I've always thought it would be awesome for a band to be called "Philanthropic Mishap."
posted by PhatLobley at 7:42 AM on April 20, 2005


posted by andrew cooke at 7:43 AM on April 20, 2005

In keeping with the cover material, I give you:

Skinny Black Ties


The Hipster Doofuses

(Extra points for Seinfeld reference)
posted by willmize at 7:46 AM on April 20, 2005

From Dean King's link, I rather like "Spellbound cashmere".
posted by handee at 7:53 AM on April 20, 2005

New Wave Retreads
posted by warbaby at 7:55 AM on April 20, 2005

"quonsar III Electric bugger-ree"
posted by orthogonality at 7:57 AM on April 20, 2005

The Mighty Roses!
posted by kenaman at 8:01 AM on April 20, 2005

I'm cribbing this from my Painting class I teach, but -

Sexual Manatees
posted by Slothrop at 8:06 AM on April 20, 2005

The Young Hegelians.
posted by kenko at 8:08 AM on April 20, 2005

My friend's band rejected the name "Big Fun" so I'll offer it here.
posted by matildaben at 8:10 AM on April 20, 2005

The Jack.
posted by kuperman at 8:19 AM on April 20, 2005

Sour Wookie.
posted by erebora at 8:22 AM on April 20, 2005

Goldfinger and the Oddjobs

Double DeCaffeinated Half Caf

Teh Bomb (and i do mean "teh")

The Pepsi Blue Experience

Three Chord Monty and the Fake Books

Three Chord Monty (I actually really like that one)
posted by spicynuts at 8:27 AM on April 20, 2005

The Nack.
posted by scratch at 8:27 AM on April 20, 2005

ok, it just has to be kintana
posted by andrew cooke at 8:36 AM on April 20, 2005

"this is the name the new guy chose"
posted by andrew cooke at 8:37 AM on April 20, 2005

This is my favorite shit in the world so I'm just going to keep bombin this thread. How about:

Whatever Happened to Corey Haim? (unwieldy, i know, but you're an 80s cover band)

Vinny Goombatz and the IROCs

Pete Schweaty and The Schweaty Balls

The Royal Frushes

The Miracle Men

The Sit N Spins

Come To Papa

Iceberg Lettuce
posted by spicynuts at 8:37 AM on April 20, 2005

The Early Bird Specials
posted by spicynuts at 8:39 AM on April 20, 2005

Punk Lloyd Dobler
posted by goatdog at 8:42 AM on April 20, 2005

Geeks And Spivs
posted by dodgygeezer at 8:43 AM on April 20, 2005

Use a combinatory method from the catalogues of the bands you cover. And, Put Godspeed You! Black Emperor to shame... For instance:

Is She (My Best Friend's Girl) Really Going Out with Oliver's Army?

OR, more seriously:
Let's Go Radio Radio

Young Americans Moving in Stereo

This is a great approach because fans of these bands (who you want to come check you out) will most likely get the reference, and you can come up with some great names (probably better than my examples) that will work on people who won't get the reference. It's like a special treat for the fans.
posted by safetyfork at 8:47 AM on April 20, 2005

Olly Wolly Polly Woggy Ump Bump Fizz
posted by DevilsAdvocate at 8:51 AM on April 20, 2005

posted by casarkos at 8:55 AM on April 20, 2005

Whatever Happened to Corey Haim? gets my vote.
posted by blag at 8:55 AM on April 20, 2005

Wookie and the Wisecracks
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 9:05 AM on April 20, 2005

Jessie's Girls - Especially good if you're all guys.

Video Killed the Radio Stars - Ha! I kill myself!
posted by deborah at 9:12 AM on April 20, 2005

Iron Bandana
posted by trinarian at 9:13 AM on April 20, 2005

posted by trinarian at 9:14 AM on April 20, 2005

I believe "Carniverous Buttock Flies" was a Jello Biafra idea . ..

I'd suggest:

2400 Killa Broad

Nineteen Eighty Floor

The Slackheads

Slight of Fans

Chester Hawethorn's Modern Melody Trio (it helps if there are more than three in the band)

Jose Nipplegrip & the Vanditos

what's the look of the band?
posted by petebest at 9:19 AM on April 20, 2005

Liquor Town
posted by handful of rain at 9:25 AM on April 20, 2005

Kamikaze Reunion
posted by Futurehouse at 9:28 AM on April 20, 2005

Trucker Sex
posted by yerfatma at 9:32 AM on April 20, 2005

Jessie's Girls get my seal of approval.

the Thin White Dukes
The Kray Boys
posted by Chrischris at 9:41 AM on April 20, 2005

Pubic Triangle
posted by crumbly at 9:48 AM on April 20, 2005

ok, couple more (I love this kind of stuff):

Def Leper Messiahs

Crush his Sweet Hands
posted by Chrischris at 9:56 AM on April 20, 2005

Band Name
posted by Skot at 9:57 AM on April 20, 2005

blag: Whatever Happened to Corey Haim? gets my vote.

I second that vote. I remember a Minneapolis band from several years back called Willis Smoked a Dude. Too bad that's been taken.
posted by ScottUltra at 10:02 AM on April 20, 2005

Amish Rake Fight

Hairy Potter

Paterno's Underarm Surprise

Blutarsky's Belly


Vector Victoria

Behind the Shed

Binder Clip

posted by UncleHornHead at 10:10 AM on April 20, 2005

Jenna Bush and the Party Animals
posted by LarryC at 10:14 AM on April 20, 2005

Free Quonsar. (With Purchase of Second Quonsar of Equal or Lesser Value.)
posted by kindall at 10:57 AM on April 20, 2005

Lesser Greater
posted by kindall at 10:57 AM on April 20, 2005

The Real Men?
The Mystery Dancers?
The Goon Squad?
Riot Act?
The Town Cryers?
posted by kimota at 11:24 AM on April 20, 2005

Pastel-suited Jackals. For that way out-there in-joke sound.
posted by haqspan at 11:50 AM on April 20, 2005

(bolding ones I like best)

Your Daddy's Music
Capri Sons (& the Juiceboxes)
Skater, Die
Unknown Basements
Finally Cool
Hipster Doofi (hat tip willmize)
The Molehills
Pop Ate Itself
Bowflex and the Thigh-Masters
The Informercials
Sally Struthers
The Cassettes
The Molly Ringwalds
Muppet Irregular
Deflowered in the Rec Room
Duran Schmuran
Frankie Moves Back In With His Parents
Neither Nerd Nor Prep
Your Best Friend's Older Brothers
posted by fleacircus at 12:01 PM on April 20, 2005

(or, not)
posted by fleacircus at 12:02 PM on April 20, 2005

eh? xor?
de morgan's theorem and the elementary predicates?
posted by andrew cooke at 12:17 PM on April 20, 2005

Pretty in Pink

I'd suggest "The Breakfast Club", but Madonna's first group had that name.
posted by deborah at 12:23 PM on April 20, 2005

Girls with Morals

Bowl Movement (better for a bowling team, but cracks me up)
posted by tr33hggr at 12:38 PM on April 20, 2005

Every time I've been tasked with coming up with a list of band names this is the first one that jumps to mind:

Lenin's Pallbearers

In fifteen years, no one's ever gone for it.
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 12:45 PM on April 20, 2005

Decent Clusterbombs
Cocksure Underdog
Wimpy Nukes
Terminal Riffs
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 1:30 PM on April 20, 2005


Mölly Ringwäld, even.
posted by nebulawindphone at 2:33 PM on April 20, 2005

Jesus H. Mathowie
posted by LarryC at 2:40 PM on April 20, 2005

Evil B and the Pancake Revival

I also like "Whatever Happened to Corey Haim?" but it looks like The Thrills have a song by the same name.
posted by Mrs. Green at 3:50 PM on April 20, 2005

Eddie Made Pie

Softer By Sunday

The Placemats

Kathleen Turner Overdrive (taken I think)
posted by vronsky at 3:59 PM on April 20, 2005

posted by bryanzera at 4:09 PM on April 20, 2005

Screaming Lemur
posted by nyterrant at 4:09 PM on April 20, 2005

Roaring Oryx
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 4:43 PM on April 20, 2005

Apocalypstick, though this would be better for metal/punk...
Velvet knockoff, but hey this is a brainstorm.
Hipster Replacement Surgery
The Trickle-downs
Beat Meat Manifesto
Under the Covers

I love making band names...i could do this for days...
posted by schyler523 at 5:03 PM on April 20, 2005

Norwegian Divorce
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 6:09 PM on April 20, 2005

Have any of you been cheating?
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 6:20 PM on April 20, 2005


But Amish Rake Fight damn near caused me to choke on my dinner. I love that one.
posted by TeamBilly at 7:16 PM on April 20, 2005

I've always wanted to name a band "Flaccid Penis".

No one's ever let me though.
posted by puke & cry at 7:38 PM on April 20, 2005

I've always thought "The Pillow Mints" would be a great name for a band...
posted by amro at 8:38 PM on April 20, 2005

Passid Fleenis and the Hard-ons
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 11:35 PM on April 20, 2005

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