This isn't so awesome...
December 31, 2010 9:29 AM   Subscribe

Why won't Awesome Note sync with my Evernote account?

I have logged in to my Evernote account from the Awesome Note iPhone app, but nothing will sync. If I create a file on Evernote, Awesome Note will never see it and if I create an file in Awesome Note, Evernote will never see it. (I've waited for 12 hours, so it isn't just network lag or anything.) The only thing that works is exporting files from Awesome Note which shows my log in is at least valid.

Am I missing something here? What could be going wrong?
posted by Kippersoft to Technology (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: So after ripping my hair out for a couple hours, I finally figured out the Awesome Note Lite version doesn't sync; you need the full version. (Even though the website says the Lite version has "full functionality" and says "Full sync with Google Docs and Evernote" on the Lite version of the app in the App Store, it isn't true.) Just a heads up to anyone who may also run into the same problem.
posted by Kippersoft at 10:11 AM on December 31, 2010

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