What is a good site for finding the best meeting time for a group of people?
December 22, 2010 1:28 PM

What is a good site for finding the best meeting time for a group of people? There are a few out there, like whenisgood.net and MeetingPuzzle, but they fall short of some criteria I'm looking for.

I'd like something with the following criteria:

0. A really well-designed and usable interface.

1. The ability for the organizer to easily choose several time intervals in which the meeting can take place.

2. The ability for the recipients to both select intervals which work for them, or intervals which don't work for them.
This is so if someone has a relatively full schedule, they can easily choose what times work for them, and if someone has a relatively empty schedule, they can choose times which don't work for them. The software should figure out the rest.

3. The ability to copy and paste a list of names and email addresses to specify recipients for your meeting request.
It should be something similar to the form: "Name1 , Name2 , ..." so you can start an email in your email client, and simply copy the output of the "To:" field after your email client auto-completes the list of names you've typed. (This is a much more quick-and-dirty way to accomplish what you could do with contact list integration, which is harder).

4. Something that gives recipients a unique one-click URL to specify their free time, without having to make an account or do anything unnecessary at all.

5. Good reporting tools to find the best intersection of time for the most amount of people.
posted by hoobichu to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
Doodle meets much of your criteria, though I wouldn't say it's beautifully designed.
posted by Laura Macbeth at 1:33 PM on December 22, 2010

I have't used it, so I cannot comment on the UI, but Google Calendar recently introduced "find a time" to do just this. It's a tab in the "create event" interface.
posted by zippy at 1:42 PM on December 22, 2010

posted by fief at 2:35 PM on December 22, 2010

I use Doodle all the time, and I think it fits your criteria.
posted by fermezporte at 2:58 PM on December 22, 2010

I've used Meeting Wizard for years and love it.

It meets all your criteria and more. Responses are in a table format with "total availables" tallied along the bottom for a quick determination of the best time; invitees can easily include a written message when they're clicking the yes/no choices you've provided, and you can respond; it sends everyone a confirmation email with meeting details once you fix on one date/time, as well as a reminder the day before the meeting if you set it to do that; you can set the response list to "only you" view or to "all invitees"; etc., etc.
posted by Short Attention Sp at 3:40 AM on December 23, 2010

Doodle is ugly, but seems to work. I've only used it as an attendee, however, so I can't comment on how it looks or works for an organizer.
posted by FlyingMonkey at 3:11 PM on December 29, 2010

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