I need to rent a port-o-let
December 19, 2010 2:43 PM

Anyone happen to know a ball park idea of what it costs to rent a port-o-potty for a day?

I need a port-o-potty as a prop for a photo shoot and I'm having to put together an estimate on the Sunday before Xmas when no one is going to answer the phone. Like I said - just a ball park figure.
posted by photoslob to Grab Bag (4 answers total)
This previous question might help
posted by alligatorman at 2:47 PM on December 19, 2010

Two years ago, rural Georgia, for a construction site was $100 per week with service twice a week.
posted by Monday at 6:53 PM on December 19, 2010

I rented two of them once for a party - a weekend, basically. It was a few years ago but I think it cost $160.
posted by Mars Saxman at 10:41 PM on December 19, 2010

Seems you get charged for a week whether you need it for a day or not. I was quoted $110.
posted by photoslob at 6:45 AM on December 23, 2010

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