Portable Projector
December 16, 2010 11:05 PM   Subscribe

Could anyone suggest a good portable projector?

Something to connect to a laptop, to show powerpoints or movies on a wall in an average size room. Maybe a final image size of 4' by 4' - ?
posted by coffeefilter to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
The way you have specified the question, there are literally thousands of different models that can work. By portable, do you mean battery powered? Or can it plug into the wall? What video interface does your computer have? How big would you like the actual projector to be?
posted by fake at 5:14 AM on December 17, 2010

Best answer: I asked this question, and got a few good leads.
posted by beerbajay at 5:30 AM on December 17, 2010

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