Can I find temporary work in Australia?
December 14, 2010 10:34 AM

What kind of job could I, a franglo-canadian journalist/researcher/communications-type in her mid-twenties, find in Australia?

My SO and I are looking into traveling to Australia next year, probably for about a year. We both qualify for the under-30 holidaymaker visa. We're not set on any particular region, and would probably travel around for a few months, then work for a few, etc. (The visa only allows me to work for 6 months with the same company)

In Montreal (where we currently live), my skills as a research journalist and french-english translator have led to a pretty steady stream of freelance work. What is the market like in Australia for that kind of work? Is there much demand for bilingual (french-english) workers? This is all in the very early planning stages, so I'm just trying to get an idea of what I can expect.
posted by OLechat to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total)
You might be able to find work as a tour guide for French tourists? Not sure about the specific work you're after, but I met a lot of backpackers who were working there way around the country (but mostly farm work, or tourist related jobs).
posted by backwards guitar at 12:08 PM on December 14, 2010

No much demand for bi-lingual for French, but other than that, you would find exactly the same kind of jobs in this sector you would in Canada. In terms of labour market Australia and Canada are very similar.

Freelance journalism will be difficult to rustle up from scratch, if you can conitnue writing for canadian pubs whilst over here, that's a good bet. Otherwise you can look at signing up with an agency that subcontracts journalists/editors, for example like editor group.
posted by smoke at 3:00 PM on December 14, 2010

There are a bunch of traveller-related businesses that have clustered together in the Dymocks Building in central Sydney - either of the first two links on this page might be able to help you find suitable work.
posted by UbuRoivas at 4:43 PM on December 14, 2010

Yes, freelance work will be hard to get involved in unless you have contacts. On top of that, you might find you wait up to three months before you get paid. Additionally, the contracting economy has lead to lesser use of freelancers in some areas. As someone who used to freelance, I can tell you I am not joking.

Smoke probably has it right. Write for Canadian publications. Articles about the barrier reef, swimming with sharks, Nimbin etc pretty much sell themselves.
posted by Bubbles Devere at 4:51 PM on December 14, 2010

You've got quite a few options. I've known a few Canadians who've worked at Australian newspapers and for the ABC for varying lengths of time. One couple worked as reporters at a local weekly newspaper in Far North Queensland for a few months while travelling around. Another person worked for the ABC in Cairns long term, but as a contractor if I remember rightly. She supplemented her income with writing and photography for Canadian pubs, I think.

If you're travelling outside of Metro areas, can't hurt to call some of the smaller country newspapers. You never know who's just quit or if they need someone to fill in for a week or two. You won't get paid much, but could be loads of fun. Obviously, in these roles, you'd be writing in English.

In Metro areas, don't listen to people who tell you how impossible it is. It's not easy, but that's no reason to not make the call.

AFP has an office in Sydney. Maybe before you leave Canada, if you have any contacts there, you could see what they think about stringer work. Alternatively, I'd just give them a call in Sydney - +61 (2) 9251 1544. Or email afpsyd [AT]

And who knows, you could do worse than get in touch with SBS Radio, who broadcast a few French language programs. Job ads and registration here.

Outside of journalism you might find some leads on organisations who could make use of your language, writing and research skills here at Ambafrance.

Bonne chance!
posted by t0astie at 9:19 PM on December 14, 2010

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