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December 7, 2010 1:51 PM   Subscribe

BALTIMORE Filter: I am a college student who will be living in Baltimore City (near Little Italy) this winter break for six weeks. I don't know anyone in this city. Are there any "discussion" groups/activities I can get involved in while I'm there?

I'm a college senior who'll be house-sitting this winter break. Although I know my way around Baltimore, I don't know really know anyone in the city. I also have no car.

That being said, I would like to meet people somehow. I'm trying to overcome my shyness and I think that holing myself up for six weeks is probably not a step forward.

I don't know exactly what I'm looking for, but an activity that involves discussion (more intellectual, less small talk...which I am not very good at anyway) is what I'm looking for.

I know volunteering has been cited as a good way to meet people, but I feel that volunteering for just six weeks is kind of strange....I guess it would depend on the type of activity but again, I have no car. Other than that, I'm hesitant to state my interests because I'd like to be open to all options.

Thanks in advance!
posted by taiscape to Human Relations (6 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Volunteering for six weeks is not as strange as you would think. There are many college students here who volunteer but will be going home leaving many places short handed for the holidays. Plus other volunteers may be traveling too. A lot of opportunities allow for drop-in or minimal training (serving meals, activities with kids, etc). Your location makes it easy to help out at several places nearby. Here are some sites to look at:


Not all colleges have such long breaks, so check out some nearby that may have activities/plays/discussion groups etc to do as well. A lot are open to non-students. Johns Hopkins University, Loyola University, College of Notre Dame.

The art museums also have some cool events. If you haven't been to the American Visionary Art Museum, check it out.
posted by maxg94 at 2:22 PM on December 7, 2010

I don't have any specific advice on the subject, but I am very jealous of your opportunity! I hope you enjoy the time. If you bundle up, Baltimore is manageably walkable from Little Italy to Camden Yards to midtown and even Mount Vernon (with a little effort). You should be able to find plenty of civilized stuff to do. Check out the event calendars for Hopkins and MICA. Good luck!
posted by Nomyte at 2:27 PM on December 7, 2010

I have a potential volunteering possibility for you. MeMail me if you are interested.
posted by Ironmouth at 2:30 PM on December 7, 2010

Have you tried http://www.meetup.com ?
posted by akprasad at 9:06 PM on December 7, 2010

You'll be able to take the free bus to the main library, where there are free movies, book discussion groups, lectures and all kinds of things.

In Little Italy, Isabella's does great sandwiches (they make their own mozzarella) and is a very friendly place. About half the time I'm in there, people just strike up conversations with me (and I'm an introvert who generally wanders around looking like I wish to kill someone).

There is a ton of arts stuff up by Penn Station, in Station North.

Pick up the free weekly City Paper, and look at the events. Even in the winter, there is a lot of stuff to do.

Baltimore is a very friendly city, and if you go where there are people, you are likely to end up being social.
posted by QIbHom at 10:52 AM on December 8, 2010

Metafilter meetups in B-more have been notoriously unsuccessful, but it's always worth a try.
posted by electroboy at 12:02 PM on December 9, 2010

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