Onkyo movement samples?
April 4, 2005 2:26 PM

Where can I find online audio samples of onkyo movement music?
posted by Nelson to Society & Culture (5 answers total)
Nobukazu Takemura
Otomo Yoshihide with Martin Tétreault.

Googling artist name + mp3 didn't return much. emusic has 5 or 6 Nobukazu Takemura albums for listening and downloading.
posted by DelusionsofGrandeur at 3:41 PM on April 4, 2005

Aquarius Records has some.

Not mentioned in the first article, but of particular interest to you will be Toshimaru Nakamura (he of the no-input mixing desk) and Taku Sugimoto (he of the 10 minutes of silence and then one plucked guitar note). Neither of these links has audio, sorry.
posted by nylon at 8:07 AM on April 5, 2005

Thanks for finding these for me! Interesting music. nylon, the Aquarius Records link is interesting, never knew about their store. I found some MP3 samples by doing a search for onkyo.
posted by Nelson at 8:47 AM on April 5, 2005

After listening some, I really like the stuff of Takemura and of Nakamura.

An American AxMe lurker filled me in a bit more on Onkyo movement. He says it's quite obscure, even in Japan. The music is generally improvisational, not sequenced or scored, and there's a lot of cross-polination with European musicians.

He also suggested japanimprov.com as a place to learn more.
posted by Nelson at 9:20 AM on April 7, 2005

Forgot to mention, Amazon has two full MP3 downloads of Nobukazu Takemura, along with a bunch of 30 second samples.
posted by Nelson at 9:29 AM on April 7, 2005

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