Informative books on China's economy
October 21, 2010 6:13 PM

What are some good books on Chinese economic development? Especially how it's beginning to transition from a low cost low skill manufacturing to more technology intensive commodities.

I'm writing a paper on the transition from low skill manufacturing to more high tech industries in China like renewable energy firms and how the government subsidizes and supervises its growth but not just in the area, any technology involved undertaking that requires more educated workers.
posted by maykasahara to Education (2 answers total)
Good New Yorker article that may be of interest:

Also, I would google Lenovo history. The government is heavily invested in the company.
posted by xammerboy at 8:10 PM on October 21, 2010

I suggest looking through the well curated list (complete with discussion) of books about China from the Sinica Podcast 13, books about China.

Some of those books will certainly cover what you are researching.
posted by markovitch at 12:32 AM on October 25, 2010

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