Jaws Parody? Scuba Diver Cellist?
October 17, 2010 4:07 PM

Friends are looking to find a video they describes thusly: "a video clip of a bassist (or cellist) playing the jaws theme, sitting on a chair in the ocean as the tide rolls in." I can't find it. Can you help?

Alternately, it's been described as: "The video begins with a peaceful beach scene, then you hear the jaws theme and people begin to run screaming from the water. The camera slowly pans around to screams and increasingly intense music, to finally show a man in a scuba suit playing the jaws theme on an upright bass (cello?)."

The individuals can't recall whether they saw it online or in a commercial movie, and our google-fu has failed us badly. I'm guessing it was either a (not very) viral video, or a snippet from some sort of formula parody movie or maybe a commercial, but I'm having no luck tracking it down. Help?
posted by pixiecrinkle to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
It was an America's Funniest Home Video contestant.
posted by hermitosis at 4:10 PM on October 17, 2010

Seconded. Pretty sure this was from AFHV, back in the Saget era.
posted by neckro23 at 4:43 PM on October 17, 2010

Google video rules.
posted by Xezlec at 6:04 PM on October 17, 2010

Thanks for the ridiculously fast response -- my friends are thrilled!
posted by pixiecrinkle at 7:52 AM on October 18, 2010

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