Tivo DVDs
March 22, 2005 11:03 AM

DVDs burned on my Humax Tivo machine aren't read by my Sony DRU DVDRW R+, R-. Why is this? Is there software I can use to edit my Tivo DVDs?
posted by ewkpates to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
While I can't provide any specific help, you should know that DVD compatibility is far from perfect.

You might want to check this list.
posted by pmurray63 at 12:38 PM on March 22, 2005

Is it just the Sony recorder that won't read the disc or have you tried other machines?

One thought - make sure you finalize the disc on the Tivo/Humax before trying to use it elsewhere or it won't work.
posted by aaronh at 1:03 PM on March 22, 2005

The Tivo Humax burner is a one step process. After you pick the program, it does everything else.

In other ways, love the Tivo thing, love the dvd burning option.
posted by ewkpates at 7:01 AM on March 23, 2005

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