I'm looking for old maps. No, older than that.
September 26, 2010 5:20 PM

Does anyone know of an online resource for looking at the configuration of the continents over the eons?

The ideal wesbite would an animation set-up where you could slide the arrow back and then let it run to watch Pangaea break up, or move it up to the relatively recent past to watch the inland sea across the Great Plains fall and Appalachia and Laramidia combine into North America while India collides with Asia and begins to slide underneath, raising the Himalayas, etc. Failing that, a bunch of world maps showing the layout 10 my back, 50 my back, 100 my back, and so forth would be good.

Bonus if it goes into the future and we can see Australia and California collide while the Mediterranean gets squeezed out of existence.
posted by ricochet biscuit to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 13 users marked this as a favorite
There is an itty-bitty animation of the kind of thing I am looking for in the Pangaea page on wikipedia.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 5:24 PM on September 26, 2010

Paleomap project has a page of animations.
posted by Paragon at 5:32 PM on September 26, 2010

NOAA is a good source: this and slightly less pretty this.

No bonus points though.
posted by keeo at 5:40 PM on September 26, 2010

There's a great app for the iPhone called Iapetus. It doesn't do a nice sliding visualization, but it does allow you to jump from period to period. What's really nice about it is that the globe hasn't been flattened and you can spin it in every direction. All of the landmasses and oceans are labeled and it also shows the Earth 100 million years in the future. It's pretty much the closest thing I've seen like what you want in terms of animation, and it's really pretty.

Also, these maps are pretty nice, but nothing's labeled. These are also good pages.

I'm excited to see what other posters add since good animations are hard to find!
posted by Mouse Army at 5:46 PM on September 26, 2010

I found some cool maps while reading up about Supercontinent Cycle.

Try this site. They have ton of cool maps and some powerpoint animations.

Here are some maps of what the future will be:

100 million years from now
150 million years from now- Mediterranean Sea is replaced by Mediterranean Mountain.
250 million years from now

There are disagreement on what the supercontinent 250 million years in the future will look like.
You can watch a video of the effect of new Pangaea 250 million years from now on the climate.
posted by Carius at 7:05 PM on September 26, 2010

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