iPhone what what?
September 16, 2010 5:54 PM   Subscribe

Snowflake iPhone or Blackberry question -- which one and how-to?

I am interested in getting a smartphone for the first time. I'm leaning towards the iPhone, but have some questions.

First about me:
- Cheap (e.g., prefer to buy something used off eBay)
- Need internet and to send email from the phone
- Use Macs and would love to sync contact details
- Love, love Apple user-interfaces

- I spend time in Europe and the US. Can I buy an American phone and use it in both places? Do I need to get a contract in both places? Can I do it pay-as-you-go so that I don't have to pay for a month in one place when I'm in the other? Is it different for iPhone vs. Blackberry?

- I hate AT&T with a passion. Can I not deal with them somehow?

- What should I do, step by step? I buy a phone on eBay in the US, then jailbreak it, then... what, exactly?

- A friend told me that in some social groups BBM (Blackberry Messenger) is very important and you are left out if you don't use it. I'm curious how often this happens... I'll be meeting a lot of new people soon who use Blackberries, but not sure if this is very common. I don't like the look-and-feel of Blackberries, but if it's socially important, I might go for it.

Sorry if these are dumb questions...
posted by alternateuniverse to Computers & Internet (10 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
From 99% of your post, it seems an unlocked (as in, able to use for any cellular carrier) iPhone might be for you.

But I have absolutely no idea about BBM/social groups. Might be a good idea to meet these people first and see how important this feature is to your life ... if not, you can go for the iPhone.
posted by the_ancient_mariner at 7:12 PM on September 16, 2010

A friend told me that in some social groups BBM (Blackberry Messenger) is very important and you are left out if you don't use it.

Most of the people I know who use BBs use them because their work gave them to them. Other people I know who use BBs of their own free will do so because they like them, and I have never seen them shun anyone for not having a BB. If these people actually exist, you should stay away from them.

My partner has a BB (for work) and she has trouble keeping the calendar synced - things will double sync or not sync at all. And she is not wild about the browser.
posted by rtha at 7:19 PM on September 16, 2010

You may well find yourself in a circle of people who have an iPhone for personal use and a Blackberry for work. I am in one of those circles.

I have not heard of anyone using BBM and I hang out with people who are glued to their phones for work and for personal life.
posted by micawber at 7:26 PM on September 16, 2010

posted by Neiltupper at 7:26 PM on September 16, 2010

I just switched from a Sprint BlackBerry to an AT&T iPhone 4.

-- loved the BlackBerry push for gmail. Seems that the iPhone 4 hasn't implemented this yet (but I can set it to fetch data every 15 minutes, so not a big deal).
-- loved the BlackBerry physical keyboard and though I'd hate the iPhone touch keyboard, but it turns out this is a non issue. I'm actually faster on an iPhone keyboard, although I make more errors (which are then corrected usually by the software).
-- love Apple interfaces yeah, well, iPhone rules for this. The BlackBerry was clunky and the browser sucked (I used an 8330, I understand that there were better browsers available), and the iPhone 4 feels like a tiny laptop in my palm.
-- I hate AT&T with a passion I hated Sprint with a passion. I'll probably hate AT&T once I have my first customer service special snowflake hissy fit, but so far, that hasn't happened yet.
-- BlackBerry Messenger: I never used it. I never heard of anyone in my professional setting using it either, and everyone was given BBs for work.

Basically, since I got the iPhone 4 I've really liked it. I was happy with my BlackBerry, but the frustrations I had with the browser were totally solved with the switch to an iPhone. I have a MacBook Pro, and having it sync everything over MobleMe and through iTunes is a nice touch. BlackBerry will also sync with a Mac, however.

disclaimer: i'm employed by apple
posted by spikeleemajortomdickandharryconnickjrmints at 7:32 PM on September 16, 2010

I have recently switched from a BB on verizon to the iPhone. I don't know why it took me so long. I have been an Apple girl for the past 20 years and this is probably part of why I love the phone so much. If you love the Apple interfaces, the iPhone will work well with you. It is worth dealing with some of the crappy AT&T reception (though this has been a minor problem for me personally) in order to have a phone that is so intuitive and works so well. By comparison, BlackBerry is clunky. Really. The browser is awful and I rarely used it because of that. Push notification was great, but you can set it (like spikelee... said) or you can use something like Boxcar that allows for push notifications on Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, etc.

Also something to consider: I had a LOT of problems upgrading, syncing, etc with my Mac and my BlackBerry. I almost bricked the phone a couple times because there was a problem with the Desktop Manager for Mac. I have been so impressed with the way that the iPhone upgrading, syncing, etc just works!

As for BBM, I have never met a group of people that loved it like you have mentioned, though I know that they're out there somewhere. It really shouldn't be a big deal.

Unfortunately, I can't answer your questions about overseas. I just know that the iPhone does work because of being a GSM phone. Lots of BlackBerry phones (if not all?) will also work. Your contract and cellular provider will dictate that.

If you do go for the iPhone, I would also like to stress that you may want to go the less expensive route and get a used one, but please get a 4 somehow. You will regret it later if you don't. It is so much faster, looks so much better, etc than the previous models it's worth the extra $50-$100 that you might save on a used 3GS.
posted by itsacover at 8:32 PM on September 16, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks everyone! I am leaning towards the iPhone (4, a suggested by itsacover).

So, how do I do this step-by-step? Buy an iPhone on eBay, jailbreak using software... and then what? How do I get coverage? Do I call AT&T?
posted by alternateuniverse at 9:14 PM on September 16, 2010

Response by poster: also, why is an iPhone 4 so much better (other than hype). They seem to be about $400 more on eBay than the 3GS.
posted by alternateuniverse at 9:21 PM on September 16, 2010

Have you considered an Android phone? You get the nice UI and push email to go with it, but you can choose your carrier. Top of the line Android phones are better, hardware-wise, than iphones, as well.
posted by Mr. Gunn at 11:04 PM on September 16, 2010

also, why is an iPhone 4 so much better (other than hype). They seem to be about $400 more on eBay than the 3GS.

The notable improvements for me were:

- Higher resolution screen (retina)
- Faster processor
- Video recording (incredible quality for a phone)
- Ability to stand the phone on its edge for comfortable movie watching :)

Some other features new to the 4:
- Face to face camera (an additional lower res camera on the screen side of the phone)
- Voice recognition (not extensive really, works ok with ipod features)
- Task management (ability to keep apps running in the background..switch between them)

Some unintended improvements to the 4:
- Free bumper/case from Apple to address the mostly non-issue antenna placement complaint.

Also, task management might be a feature the 3GS has; unfortunately I skipped over 3GS from a 3G so have little experience with that generation phone...but love the 4.
posted by samsara at 5:39 AM on September 17, 2010

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