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September 15, 2010 6:22 AM   Subscribe

Can you recommend some good Spanish-language current events and humor websites out of Latin America?

I'm looking for the Latin American/Spanish-language equivalents of many of the websites I enjoy in English. I mean equivalent in terms of the type and quality of information.

Partial listing of websites I visit frequently:

Metafilter (of course!)
Daily Beast
major national newspapers, mainly NY Times and Washington Post
Cheezburger Network (Failblog, LOLCats)

I'm sure I'm forgetting many, but you get the idea. If I had to pick a country of interest, I'd say Mexico, but I'm interested in anything interesting from Latin America. (Sorry, Spain.)
posted by unannihilated to Society & Culture (9 answers total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
In Argentina three main sources are InfoBae - with Argentinian & International editions, La Nacion & La Cronica.

I've asked around the office about a satirical news site and was met with blank stares. Humour here is men dressed in monkey suits dancing with semi-naked models, cos that's funny.
posted by jontyjago at 6:45 AM on September 15, 2010

From Chile, Newspapers: serious: El Mercurio, not so serious Las Ultimas Noticias, online only: El Mostrador.
posted by signal at 6:48 AM on September 15, 2010

Response by poster: Oh, yes, jontyjago, that reminds me that I forgot about the Onion and/or humor in the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert style, but obviously you picked up my drift from the question.

National newspaper recommendations are good, thanks: It's easy to find lists online but not as easy to tell what is popular/reliable. (i.e., the difference between a NY Times and a NY Post)
posted by unannihilated at 7:04 AM on September 15, 2010

When I want to brush up a bit, I hit Diario Las Americas, based of out Miami. It covers the hemisphere, but I mostly read it for stories on Cuba y El Caribe.
posted by jquinby at 7:09 AM on September 15, 2010

Serious newspaper in Peru: El Comercio.
posted by Tarumba at 7:18 AM on September 15, 2010

I read Milenio out of Mexico. In addition to the print newspapers out of several cities, it also does a live streams of news as well as some video on demand. I also read El Universal out of the DF. Reforma of DF and El Norte of Monterrey are behind a paywall.

I haven't run across a Mexican version of the Onion or Jon Stewart. I didn't have any luck asking amigos about such things.
posted by birdherder at 8:10 AM on September 15, 2010

For Argentina, two other nationwide newspapers are Clarín and Página 12. It is true we lack anything remotely decent in satiric sites, blame certain TV showmen for getting people used to idiotic T&A "humor".

A great portal linking to almost everything news, publication or mediablog related is
posted by Iosephus at 8:36 AM on September 15, 2010

The best news-satire site I've come across is El Chigüire Bipolar, which has a very Onion-esque sensibility at times. One example: "Catástrofes se reúnen para definir como azotarán a Centroamérica" (loosely translated: "Disasters meet to decide how they will lash Central America").

In particular, check out El Chigüire's "Isla Presidencial" series of cartoon videos, sort of a Latin American political send-up meets "Lost."

More to come in a future response.
posted by donpedro at 10:16 AM on September 15, 2010 [2 favorites]

Also, here's a pretty extensive list of (English- and) Spanish-language links to news, culture, blogs, analysis etc. at The Mex Files, a generally good English-language blog mainly focused on Mexico.

Out of Cuba, dissident blogger Yoani Sánchez's Generación Y has gotten a lot of press and props -- not from the government in Havana, of course. For the official government line on Cuba, state-run websites include Cubadebate, Granma Internacional and Juventud Rebelde. (There's often a lot of material duplicated across those sites.)
posted by donpedro at 10:53 AM on September 15, 2010

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