Help us raise $10,001 for Relay for Life!
March 18, 2005 12:27 AM

I'm on a fundraising team for Relay for Life. We've set a fundraising goal of $10,001. Other than hitting up family, friends, and local businesses, what are some good ways to raise a lot of money quickly?
posted by joshuaconner to Work & Money (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Co-workers? I always shake my co-workers down when I do charity bike rides like the MS-150 or American Cancer Society ride.
posted by fixedgear at 1:39 AM on March 18, 2005

I raised about 3k on the AIDS RIDE a few years ago (neutrally noting: palotta's last AIDS RIDE) For some reason I had a lot better luck with the poor schleps in the office than I did with the quasi-wealthy big-wigs. Go figure. Somehow working class joes seem a lot more likely to blow their money on stuff than the medium wealthy ones. (I myself am guilty as charged.)

This is said in good humor: I may be wrong, but you might want to check the mefi self-linking terms.
posted by prettyboyfloyd at 2:27 AM on March 18, 2005

Derail: How is it possible to remain neutral about Palotta? Now back to your regularly scheduled discussion.
posted by fixedgear at 2:40 AM on March 18, 2005

slight cont. of derail: hey, I'm trying here! I (at least used to) know people on both sides and have my own opinions (loudly expressed at sight of every inspirational quote on my first ride a few years ago before the great fall from grace came around and I thought one shouldn't be walking on people's graves etc.) One may be entirely partisan yet for reasons of general decorum, politics, or just plain sleepiness decide not to proclaim one's sympathies.
posted by prettyboyfloyd at 3:16 AM on March 18, 2005

Other than hitting up family, friends, and local businesses...

You could always try posing an Ask MetaFilter question as an excuse to link to your donations page.
posted by pracowity at 3:47 AM on March 18, 2005

pracowity - Good idea. But I'll let joshuaconnor test it first. He doesn't get flamed to a crips, I'll post for the American Diabetes Association ride...

josh - In all seriousness, good luck. I have a team that does the ADA ride. And together we raise around $7000. Personally, I raise around $2000 - and I work hard at it. So I don't know what to tell you.
posted by ObscureReferenceMan at 5:55 AM on March 18, 2005

When I did the Relay last year and set a personal goal of $100, I set up my individual page on the ACS site and included a link to it as part of my personal email signature, after writing to let people know why I was doing it. If you and/or your team is doing the Relay in honor of certain people or as survivors or both it can be effective to let people know about that and why you're doing it when you ask for their support. (Sorry if that last bit was needlessly obvious.) I was kind of surprised at how many people donated via my ACS page, even ones I hadn't met who learned of it through one of my personal web sites. Good luck with your fundraising!
posted by PY at 9:06 AM on March 18, 2005

Sorry, everyone! Didn't realize.

(Not to derail the thread, but is there a way to change my earlier posting?)
posted by joshuaconner at 4:56 PM on March 18, 2005

pracowity - I know it was probably in jest, but while the self-linking policy was something I wasn't aware of (and didn't get any benefit from, nor did I expect to - just wrote the question like I would a blog post, which is why I self-linked to being with), I'm sure you're aware of the following, as it's posted right below the comment window:

Ask MetaFilter is as useful as you make it. Please limit comments to answers or help in finding an answer. Wisecracks don't help people find answers. Thanks.

You may want to check out prettyboyfloyd and ObscureReferenceMan's comments for ways to more delicately handle a similar situation the next time it arises.
posted by joshuaconner at 5:39 PM on March 18, 2005

Heh. After clicking on my own link, I find that my accidental self-link isn't a self link at all! A great situation in which my linking incompetence trumped my AskMe incompetence - to good results!

Shutting up now.
posted by joshuaconner at 5:49 PM on March 18, 2005

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