1950s glassware replacement?
July 13, 2010 10:14 AM

Long shot. I have a set of 1950's era Jeannette Hellenic Green glasses from my aunt. We used to have a juice decanter - it broke yesterday. I can't seem to find a replacement. Anyone have any leads?

The pattern on the glassware looks like this (image link). It was made by Jeannette Glassware (also have seen it spelled "Jeanette"). The pattern comes in either plain or gold rimmed glass. The decanter is simply a juice pitcher - not a standard pitcher with handle, it was an old-fashioned orange juice pitcher, looked kind of X-shaped on side view. There was a lid that fit into the top of the pitcher, basically a "Mexican sombrero" shape that doubled as a juicer. We have the lid, but the juice pitcher broke while we were washing it.

It probably isn't especially expensive (none of the prices I saw for other pieces in the set were over $40) but I can't believe that no one has one for sale anywhere. None of the places I found while searching had this specific piece. Most of the searches I did turned up juice glasses or pitchers with handles, but nothing else close - not on Ebay, not on any of the replacement glassware sites I found, not even on random Google searches.

It might simply be that I don't know what to call it, specifically; "decanter" seems almost right, "pitcher" sort of works, "juice" plus either of the other two words might be best but that returns glasses or handled pitchers and not the piece I want.

The set of glassware isn't used much but parts of it originally belonged to my grandmother. They go fairly well with a set of dishes that belonged to my wife's grandmother. I feel bad that we broke the juice pitcher/decanter and would love to find a replacement. I don't care if the replacement is plain or gold-rimmed, our original was plain but I'll take either if I can find it.

Any leads? Suggestions? Have one in your attic that you don't use? Any help is appreciated.
posted by caution live frogs to Grab Bag (9 answers total)
This website seems to have a listing for a pitcher, with two in stock. There doesn't seem to be a picture available, but I'm sure you can call and ask them.
posted by alynnk at 10:25 AM on July 13, 2010

...er, call them and ask them if it's the one you're looking for.
posted by alynnk at 10:28 AM on July 13, 2010

Was about to suggest replacements.com as well.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:31 AM on July 13, 2010

Hit post too soon. I would caution that some of the replacement silverware we purchased turned out to be knockoff; pretty good one, but not the real deal nonetheless. So if you want authentic, check if it is original or a copy.
posted by JohnnyGunn at 10:33 AM on July 13, 2010

You might need to save your search on eBay so that you get an e-mail for up to 6 months when items matching your search turn up.

I'd keep the search as generic as possible ("Jeannette Hellenic" and a second search with the alternate spelling), rather than trying to decide if the right word is 'decanter' or 'juice pitcher' or such.

There may be other similar sites that let you save a search.
posted by apartment dweller at 11:01 AM on July 13, 2010

I think the word you need to search for is "carafe."
posted by bgrebs at 11:35 AM on July 13, 2010

As per what apartment dweller said, in my experience selling antiques (and identifying them, when working at an auction house) lots of people will refer to this stuff as Wedgwood (and Wedgewood, and variations thereof) and not even mention Jeanette/Jeannette (and variations thereof).

So, when you're searching, check under those categories as well ( example ). Also consider adding Jasper/jaspar/jasperware, and misspelling Hellenic (I've seen it as "Helenic", of course - and "Greek" - and "Roman"). Apartment dweller is also right in having four or five different search combinations on the go.

Trying different words to help find the shape of the pitcher might help too, because if, as I suspect you have a baluster-shaped body with a trumpet neck there (and nobody will use those words to describe it online) someone might misidentify that object as a vase. I've heard them called "Juice/Water Bottles", "Juice Jugs" and you can sometimes find them as part of a "Beverage Set". The lid part your describing is a "reamer" (and sometimes "juicer").

And I'll keep an eye out. I do see this stuff on my rounds, but it's not my thing so I rarely look twice.

And ebay also has a "Want it Now" category - though I've never tried it from either end. Good luck!
posted by peagood at 12:13 PM on July 13, 2010

Oh! And as bgrebs said - "carafe" is right! But you have to think like people who either don't know what they have, or only know a little about what they have, when you're searching intensively.
posted by peagood at 12:15 PM on July 13, 2010

posted by JABof72 at 3:26 PM on July 14, 2010

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