Not very tech savvy
June 7, 2010 12:00 PM   Subscribe

I broke my TV. Hellllllp!!

I have an old TV (RCA) without cable or a cable box. I have a DVD player hooked up to it. I bought a universal remote about one month ago to control TV power and volume. I operate the DVD buttons manually.

All was going well until yesterday when I was watching a DVD. I accidentally pressed the remote’s channel up (the + button) once instead of volume up. The picture instantly went to static and I cannot get the DVD picture back no matter what buttons I press on the remote, the DVD player or the TV. I was 5 minutes from the finale of BBC’s Survivors season 2 and am now going insane. (I did try the old turn off the power and turn back on thing. Didn’t work.) Any suggestions?
posted by greensalsa to Technology (6 answers total)
both on the Universal Remote. Or directly on the TV.

Press 3.


Look for a TV/Video or Input button, press that.
posted by royalsong at 12:02 PM on June 7, 2010

I fail at english. "Try both of these on the Universal Remote, or directly on the TV:"
posted by royalsong at 12:03 PM on June 7, 2010

Try changing the TV to channel 0. At least that is how you switch to the AV input on my RCA tv.
posted by capnsue at 12:34 PM on June 7, 2010

What buttons are there directly on the TV (not the remote)? If there is one that says "Input", press that a few times. If there is not, then check for a button titled "settings" or similar, and look in there for a place to switch display input from antenna to (most likely) "Input 1".
posted by kingjoeshmoe at 12:49 PM on June 7, 2010

I second everything else that's been said, but you might also try reprogramming your remote if what everyone else says doesn't work. Then I would try the previous suggestions again. It's possible in all the button-mashing you might have been doing, somehow the code for the universal remote can bjorked.

But I'm guessing it's the Input or Tv/Video button.
posted by SeeTheTurtle at 2:00 PM on June 7, 2010

Response by poster: Thanks everyone. I am so happy to have my TV back. Royalsong's very first suggestion worked. Sometimes I'm amazed at how lame I can be.
posted by greensalsa at 6:53 PM on June 7, 2010

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