Backpacking in the Northeast
May 29, 2010 7:51 PM   Subscribe

Where to backpack for a week in Maine/Vermont/New Hampshire in September?

My wife and I are beginning to plan our annual backpacking trip and would like to visit the Northeast this year. What are your favorite parks/trails for a ~5 day trip (30-40 mile loop) in this part of the country? Canada is fair game as well.

Ideally we would like (in approximate order of importance) great scenery, moderate hiking difficulty (eg not boring, but not super challenging), lack of crowds (on the trails/backcountry sites themselves - crowds at occasional points of interest are ok), decent weather in mid Sept, good fishing. Someplace that doesn't require a bear canister would be nice too.

Bonus question - what non-backpacking attractions should we visit while in the area?
posted by jpdoane to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (4 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Baxter State Park.
posted by Confess, Fletch at 8:58 PM on May 29, 2010 [1 favorite]

I asked some friends of mine in New Hampshire and got the following response:

"My father recommends the Monadnock-Sunnapee trail. It's not a loop though. Monadnock has great scenery. Some crowds but you can take less popular trails and may not be as bad in September."

Hope that helps.
posted by Canageek at 9:09 PM on May 29, 2010

The White Mountains in New Hampshire are superb that time of year. I did a five day hike through there in October 2000 and it was awesome. Unfortunately I don't remember the trail we took but I will try to find it for you when I get home later.
posted by Vindaloo at 10:38 AM on May 30, 2010

Just a warning - Monadnock sometimes makes the claim to be the "most climbed peak in the world". So many people climb it that I've managed to unexpectedly run into out-of-state friends I know at the summit and I'm not a frequent hiker. The reason is that it's a really great view from the summit, it's an easy hike, and it's less than two hours from Boston. So it's worth stopping by if you're passing it but that particular area may be more crowded than you'd want to spend a week at.

I've been on lots of fabulous day trips hiking all over this area but I'm afraid I haven't been on anything like a five-day hike. Vindaloo is correct that the White Mountains are great. As for non-hiking attractions, if you happen to end up way up North on the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec, Canada or in Northern New Brunswick I have to recommend the Miguasha Fossil Site.
posted by XMLicious at 10:52 AM on May 30, 2010

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