Dear Green, Please help us raise green for a green cause.
April 1, 2010 8:27 PM

We need to come up with an appropriate theme for a fund raiser for a local environmental and water quality organization. There is a big dinner/ auction evening, and the theme needs to be environmantally relevant and lend itself to decorations and thematic illustrations in programs, etc. We are stumped and decided to ask the mist creative group we know -- the Green!
posted by mmf to Society & Culture (7 answers total)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
posted by Ironmouth at 9:34 PM on April 1, 2010

Presumably you want to stay away from downers like "Easter Island: They Cut Down All The Trees And Look What Happened", so how about fluffy bunnies and singing birdies in The Enchanted Forest?
posted by Quietgal at 10:11 PM on April 1, 2010

How about something like "Local Glamor" with species and areas of concern featured in sexy and exciting situations. I know it's a strange image but I keep seeing Vanna White holding a turtle.
posted by irisclara at 11:38 PM on April 1, 2010

Theme: A River Runs Through Us

Decor: wide blue ribbon threaded across white tablecloths, accented by scattered polished river rocks and small stacked stone sculptures (gorilla glued together for safety and insurance against bumped tables), and tiny green and flowering plants (buy by the flat/six packs at the garden center) for table decorations. I would use lush green plants (ferns, maybe, in 8" or 10" pots), and garden candle cages for centerpieces.

There are any number of stock photo companies that will provide stacked stone photos inexpensively for use on your programs and other printed literature to reinforce the theme and tie everything together.

It sounds like a great event - good luck!
posted by faineant at 12:36 AM on April 2, 2010

My favorite part of good water quality is healthy benthic macroinvertebraes! You could totally build a couple of large models of stoneflies, mayflies... give out caddisfly jewelry, put up little paiper mache dissolved oxygen molecules as decorations, organize the program by the stages of their life cycle, simulate pools riffle and runs in your seating design. Plus some nicely drawn macroinvertebraes would look real nice on programs and invitations if you got a good design.

I think simulating the whole production as being under water and adding some big oversized models would be a pretty cool event to go to. Failing models, there's also lots of beautiful photographs you could blow up, too.
posted by ajarbaday at 6:09 AM on April 2, 2010

What about something regarding clarity? Clear water remind me of crystal and diamonds - very glamorous. You could use lots of glass decor, maybe the attendees get fun "diamond" costume jewerly. You could print the invites on clear plastic.
posted by UMDirector at 8:18 AM on April 2, 2010

Your profile doesn't say where in NJ you are, but if you're in North NJ you could have a Meadowlands theme. I've always been fascinated by the biodiversity that supports fur trappers in sight of the NY skyline to this day. Feature stuffed (plush, not taxidermy) beavers and muskrats on the tables and cattail rushes as centerpieces.
posted by workerant at 8:34 AM on April 2, 2010

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