Good hotel in Denver?
March 26, 2010 12:09 PM   Subscribe

Wanted: Hotel in Denver, CO, at a reasonable price that includes free shuttle service from the airport.

Have someone coming to town for two days, can you recommend a hotel in Denver, CO, that's good, close to $100 a night, has free shuttle service to and from the Denver airport? They've stayed at the Aloft, but are looking something a bit cheaper, which still trying to stay somewhat classy.

Probably impossible bonus: close to Colorado Springs.
posted by Unnecessarily Sarcastic Bitch to Travel & Transportation around Denver, CO (8 answers total)
I would recommend Hotwiring it. I've had fantastic luck getting hotel reservations for classy hotels at reasonable costs. He can do a search for hotels in the Denver International Airport area. I suggest only renting hotels that have 3 stars or more.

Hope that helps!
posted by valoius at 12:30 PM on March 26, 2010

I don't know of a hotel that offers this, but when my mom comes to town she takes the Super Shuttle to a hotel near my (downtown) office for something like $15. I'm sure a ride to a hotel in the Tech Center (closer to Colorado Springs) would be more expensive, but the Tech Center hotels tend to be almost crazy cheap on weekends.
posted by Sheppagus at 12:35 PM on March 26, 2010

Response by poster: This is during the week, so weekends are out.
posted by Unnecessarily Sarcastic Bitch at 12:41 PM on March 26, 2010

Response by poster: In the shuttle isn't possible, what's the best car rental place at the Denver airport?
posted by Unnecessarily Sarcastic Bitch at 12:44 PM on March 26, 2010

Response by poster: Castle Rock seems to be a decent midpoint (sorta). Are there any shuttles or public transportation to and from Castle Rock to the Airport.
posted by Unnecessarily Sarcastic Bitch at 12:51 PM on March 26, 2010

For now, you can take the FREX to Castle Rock (and on to Springs) but the service is ending at some point. If the trip is soon, this might work. If not, I would Hotwire a car.
posted by Sheppagus at 3:14 PM on March 26, 2010

Seconding FREX, and I think that they managed to save the service from budget cuts by selling off some of the buses.
posted by pickypicky at 4:42 PM on March 26, 2010

Response by poster: Does Frex go to the airport? It doesn't seem so and it's hard to tell from their map/schedule. Where in Castle Rock would it stop?!
posted by Unnecessarily Sarcastic Bitch at 8:39 PM on March 26, 2010

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