Turns out our top referrer is Zombo.com
March 10, 2010 2:00 PM

What are best enterprise level Web Analytic / Stat programs that work with IIS and Apache sever logs?

Currently my organization is using a kludgey program called Summary Plus that's really great for what it does. The issues we are running into is date-ranging on everything, query strings as unique URLs, and general ugly interface (which I happen to like though). We do not sell products so shopping cart / purchase data would be irrelevant to us.

Key features that are musts: Export any data to CSV and/or Excel, handle up to 100+ separate sites/domains, and breakout visitors by State (preferably if it could tell as much info about domains as possible).

Google's Urchin Software runs $2995, Summary SP Lite would be another $250 for a few features (mostly query string URL), and all the others seem to be obscured by sales depts (Webtrends, Lyris). We currently have Google Analytics too but it way under reports our visitors, especially the ones who are forced to use IE6 with no javascript.
posted by wcfields to Computers & Internet (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Splunk might be worth looking at. It's free, and does more than web stats, but there's a learning curve.
posted by heliostatic at 3:45 PM on March 10, 2010

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