gadgets on blogs
March 6, 2010 2:34 AM

Blogspot/blogger filter: my google gadget wont save its data! help!

i'm trying to install this very cool memopad as a widget into my blog.

So I do the expected things to install it, and it works fine. Problem is it wont save any notes between sessions. What am I doing wrong?!

To install it, i basically do:
1) 'get code' from the google gadget
2) in blogger, i go to layout, add gadget, and use the html/javascript module and paste in the code from step 1.

it does work. but if i close my browser, or even refresh the page, poof, all saved data is gone.
posted by jak68 to Technology (1 answer total)
hmmm, maybe i shouldnt have posted this at 5am!
posted by jak68 at 9:47 AM on March 6, 2010

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