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March 3, 2010 8:02 PM   Subscribe

Help me find excellent free SXSW events in Austin!

This will be my second SXSW as a resident of Austin, and as I learned last year, there is plenty going on that is not affiliated with SXSW and is mostly free. I feel like it's a bit of a karmic return for having our traffic mucked up and a 30 person line at the corner taco truck. A few buck cover won't bother me, but forget the wristbands or badges.

I've found a few events like DataPop 3.0, What by Whatever and I will be sure to enjoy South By San Jo again, but what super sweet stuff am I missing out on? I'm all for music, but honestly I'm more interested in interactive, film, and art. These don't have to be large. Some of the best fun last year was watching MikoMiko under a sheet behind Domy Books. I love the kinds of events thrown by a few local companies drawing on the crowds to have a good time and promote themselves.

Specific events, as well as good resources for this are welcomed.
posted by fontophilic to Travel & Transportation around Austin, TX (6 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
A friend of mine is doing SXSW coverage, mostly of day parties, here. Not all of them will be free but it's a good starting point. My experience as a 2x SXSW wristband holder is that many of these parties require RSVPs, so check them out ASAP.
posted by immlass at 8:08 PM on March 3, 2010

Showlist Austin probably has the most complete list of non-official shows during the week of SXSW (and is a great resource the other 51 weeks).
posted by kongg at 8:23 PM on March 3, 2010

You can get a film pass for $70 at Waterloo Records or any of the three "original" Alamo Drafthouses (the Ritz, South Lamar and Village). It won't get you into any panels or parties, but so what? This video tells a little about it. I did it this way last year and had no problems getting into the films I really wanted to see. But I wouldn't wait; they always sell out.
posted by theperfectcrime at 9:21 PM on March 3, 2010

I'll second showlist Austin for music events.
posted by Pants! at 8:58 AM on March 4, 2010

The $70 Film pass can get you into most things, if you arrive early enough. Arty documentary / Bulgarian noir? No problem. Anything at the Paramount, up to and including the Friday night tentpole feature? 45min - an hour early and you're in. In my experience, the only thing you will not get into is whatever hot indie horror thing is playing at the Alamo Ritz.

Individual tickets to a movie cost $10, and will not get you into a lot, unless you go during the day.
posted by ormondsacker at 9:28 AM on March 4, 2010

In addition to, check out do512, Peen Scene, and Rare.
posted by lunalaguna at 10:07 AM on March 4, 2010

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