Get me out of this place and into a sweet loft!
February 28, 2010 5:43 PM   Subscribe

What's the best way to safely sublet our apartment?

Our lease is up in June, but we just found a great loft that we want to try and jump on for April 1st. We can't break our lease with ICM Properties, but we can sublet. I have a few questions for anyone who's successfully subletted his or her place.

1. What's the most successful way of listing our place? Anything besides Craigslist?

2. How can we safely show the apartment to potential renters? We have valuables that are too large to hide (plasma tv, etc.). People will need to physically see the place before they rent, of course. How can we be careful so we don't get robbed? Am I just being paranoid?

3. Any other words of wisdom?
posted by santojulieta to Home & Garden (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
1. Craigslist has worked for me, friends or friends of friends are even better.

2. You're pretty much being paranoid. Don't show them where you hide the spare key, or jewelery, or cash reserves I guess. Other than that, I really doubt people are going to scope the place by responding to a craigslist add (unless someone proves me wrong, we live in strange times I guess)

3. Figure out how security deposits will work out ahead of time - if ICM properties will refund yours, and then get a new one from the subletters. Or if ICM will refund it to the subletters upon the end of the lease and you will have subletters pay you up front. That is a pretty crucial detail in my experience.
posted by Think_Long at 5:47 PM on February 28, 2010

Also, getting a reference or references from previous landlords might quell your fears a little bit.
posted by greta simone at 7:25 PM on February 28, 2010

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