Upscale but social bar scene for age 30-ish ladies in Manhattan?
February 18, 2010 2:31 AM   Subscribe

My best gal pals and I are heading up to Manhattan for a weekend soon, and we're looking for an excuse to dress to the nines while enjoying a cocktail or two. Whenever we go out as a group, though, we tend to split up and mingle (and, ok, flirt). Of note: we range 31 to 38 in ages, so we're not looking for some barely-legal hipster club scene. What's a good, upscale but sociable, fun but not crazy loud night spot to visit on a Saturday in Manhattan? Does it exist?

(Anonymous because I have coworkers/employees who read MeFi, and I feel weird about them knowing my weekend plans.)
posted by anonymous to Food & Drink (6 answers total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
I recently visited The Campbell Apartment at Grand Central Station. The place is great for dressed-up cocktails on weekday nights, although Saturdays might be different. Note reviews at the link, which are mixed. I didn't experience the rude service mentioned by some, and prices are not out of line with NYC spots of this kind.
posted by beagle at 5:59 AM on February 18, 2010

The Lobby Bar at the Bowery Hotel is cool.
posted by game warden to the events rhino at 6:13 AM on February 18, 2010 [1 favorite]

A couple to choose from:

Angel's Share
Bar 89

These are all within about a mile of each other. Is there a specific neighborhood you had in mind?

The first 3 are part of the whole new wave of old-fashioned-cocktail bars, the last one is an old (1990s) Soho standby. You'll still see twentysomethings in these places, but they'll be better dressed and better behaved.
posted by swngnmonk at 7:01 AM on February 18, 2010

I came in to say the Campbell Apartment, too. Extremely classy, and your age group is totally the demographic there.
posted by ocherdraco at 7:16 AM on February 18, 2010

Hi, anonymous. This doesn't really answer your question, but I can't memail you so I'll say it here. I don't know where you are from, but in Asbury Park, NJ there's a nice place called Watermark right on the boardwalk with nice views of the beach. In the summer they also have a patio open. Teh seating in the place is predominantly large open wrapping couches and giant oversize sitting ottomans so it lends well to the whole flirting thing because the layout and furniture doesn't make it feel like you are imposing on someone else's table. It's worth considering if you ever go out with the gals in fairer weather (when there are more eligible bachelors's more local oriented this time of year). Theres also several nice restaraunts in teh area to eat at beforehand.
posted by WeekendJen at 10:30 AM on February 18, 2010

Adding my opinion on the previous recommendations, the Campbell Apartment is definitely a good idea and has been reasonably full when I've been there on Saturdays. It's not my favorite place because the cocktails are just decent without being inspiring and there is really little unique about the place, but it is a good upscale bar scene with people usually dressed up somewhat, nice decor, and it's fun to be in grand central. Not much along those lines in the area, though, if you decide you don't like it.

The Pegu Club and Pravda are also good choices, and are very near one another (~5 minute walk). Pravda would probably be the better place if you are looking to split up and flirt. Depending on what's going on, the Pegu Club can be a bit harder to manuever around in.

Angel's Share is a great place to get a drink, but not a place to meet people. I've never seen any movement across groups there - very much separate tables, very small, no room to stand at the bar and drink. Likewise Death & Company, not only will there undoubtedly be a wait, but it's a bar where you are seated and there is little movement across groups.

The bar at Macao Trading Company is generally good, though pretty small - it's a fun place to eat and also serves good cocktails.

Looking more midtown, Stone Rose in the time warner center and Whiskey Park at... 7th ave and 58th st aren't bad and generally have slightly better dressed than average patrongs. There's also the lounge at the W hotel - fine on weeknights, haven't been there on a weekend.

I'm sure you'll get other great recommendations - good luck and have a great time.
posted by slide at 12:31 PM on February 18, 2010

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