Help me get my stuff scanned in NYC
January 26, 2010 8:18 PM   Subscribe

Help me find a place in NYC that will scan my B/W drawings quickly and beautifully.

I have about 100 pages of black and white drawings that need to be scanned to TIFF for a book. Please recommend someplace in NYC that will do a good job (as in, high quality images) and do it with a relatively quick turnaround time. Ideally I'd like a CD or DVD of the images.

I definitely don't want to scan them myself because I don't have a good scanner and I don't have time.
posted by kenzi23 to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: Any reprographics shop that an architect would use. If they've been around long enough, they might still have "blueprint" in their name, but blueprints are kind of a dead technology. What you're asking for is now the bread-and-butter of blueprint/reprographics shops.

Basically, all architectural drawings are now scanned (unless they're sent to the printer as plot files), and then the scanned drawings are printed B&W for the drawing sets. For most places, producing a disc will be no problem whatsoever. I can't actually recommend anyplace based on personal experience, but everyone that comes up in a Google search seems to fit the description I'm talking about.
posted by LionIndex at 8:26 PM on January 26, 2010

Duggal on 23rd street is one of the more famous and high end scanning/printing places used by artists in New York. They may be expensive.
posted by abirae at 6:13 AM on January 27, 2010

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