park city nights--you keep me burnin
January 18, 2010 1:39 PM

Have you been to the Sundance Film Festival? What should I desperately know about attending it as a press person?

I just found out I'll be attending the Sundance film festival this weekend and most of next week. I have a place to stay in Park City and transportation and I'm covering the festival for a blog with the lowest level of press credentials.

What tricks or tips do I need to know about? What are the coolest things for me to see that aren't on the official program? Are their alternative events listed somewhere that are worth checking out? Any travel suggestions for the area during what must be a crazy busy time? Best bars/restaurants/parties/etc in your experience?

Yes, I am heartily unqualified. Yikes and also woo-hoo!
posted by Potomac Avenue to Media & Arts (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Be sure to check out some of the video installations at the New Frontier when you have a moment- It's on Main Street, across from The Egyptian Theater.

Give yourself more time than you would think you need to get to the different venues, as sometimes the buses are too full to get on. Also, keep in mind that it's occasionally quicker to walk to the next venue than to wait for a bus.

Talk to the people that you're sitting next to in the theaters and on the buses. You never know who you may end up meeting, and almost everyone will be happy to tell you what they've seen that they enjoyed, and what to avoid. This is also a good way to find out about/get invited to more exclusive/awesome/fun parties or events.

Regarding food: "Bandit's Barbecue" on Main St. has great burgers and an OK drink selection, and "Yuki Arashi", also on Main, is a good sushi bar. Some of the restaurants can be a bit overpriced, but the best deal I've found is "Taste of Saigon," which is off of Main, in the Galleria Mall. They have large servings for a reasonable price.

If you just need a quick sandwich or a pick me up to toss in your bag before you run to another screening, Java Cow is the place to go. Again, it's on Main St.

One final tip: EVERYONE you talk to is going to end up asking you for a business card, so make sure to carry plenty of them on you at all times
posted by Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld at 2:43 PM on January 18, 2010

If you're taking the shuttles, take the shuttle ahead of the last one that will get you there; the shuttles fill up quickly. I never really felt like I had enough time to get from place to place without being really rushed.

Mostly I was not terrible impressed with the food, but there was a Thai place along the main drag of Sundance that we loved and went to twice - I wish I could remember the name, but I don't recall there being an overabundance of Thai places, so maybe you'll find it. I feel like perhaps it was down a flight of stairs from the sidewalk rather than up, but maybe I'm imagining that - it was several years ago that I went. In general, the restaurants fill up and you can get stuck waiting around for ages - depending on your schedule, you may want to try to eat slightly off typical mealtimes when the restaurants will be a little less crazy.

If you have some extra time, try squeezing in a Slamdance movie or two - it's a fun change of pace. If you do, be prepared to sit on the floor - some Slamdance showings pack in more people than they have seats.

I haven't been since 2005 so my apologies if any of this is out of date!
posted by Stacey at 5:04 PM on January 18, 2010

Eric Gradman has an art piece called "Cloud Mirror", which is an interactive video which projects you full size onto a wall and, interactively, your real presence on the net gets data mined and shows up. (you have to input your twitter, fb, etc.)

This explains it better:

He is a suuupergenius and his work is well worth seeing. Unfortunately, I do not know where he il located, but if I find out, I will let you know.
posted by Vaike at 5:44 PM on January 18, 2010

Yes, Cloud Mirror is at New Frontier as well. It should be pretty awesome!
posted by Vaike at 5:51 PM on January 18, 2010

Have a drink at Wasatch Brew Pub, be nice to the volunteers working at Holiday Village (press screenings--flies/honey, all that), and get an Albertson's savings card!
posted by rabidsegue at 6:41 PM on January 18, 2010

Vaike, I went and met Eric at new frontier and told him that someone recommended his stuff to me on metafilter. He was delighted! His stuff was awesome I'll maybe put an fpp together about him when I get back.
posted by Potomac Avenue at 5:50 PM on January 21, 2010

You really should! He's pretty dang fantabulous! Glad you got to see his work. He has a ton of other great, crazy stuff as well.
posted by Vaike at 8:06 PM on February 8, 2010

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