Best route for Houston evening traffic
January 5, 2010 1:22 PM

I have three ways to get home (in Houston) but each has a problem that I know of. Which is the better way and what do people usually do in traffic to be productive?

I just moved and my commute to work has changed. Its almost the same amount of time most mornings not counting traffic but nights are worse. In the mornings I'm on I45 near 7am. At night I'm on the highway by 6pm.

This year I want to save money but also use my time wisely. Traffic is the main thing that prevents me from doing both.

I'm driving from Pearland to North Houston and have three options that I know of.

1 - the beltway. Perk is that it takes me about an hour to get home. Con is that it costs 5.50 each ride home and that takes me out of the way. Quicker time, not saving money.

2 - I45. I hate this highway but most mornings its ok and its the most direct route that I know. I get off at 6pm so I'm right in traffic. Perk - no paying to go home. Con-last night it took me well over an hour and a half to get home. long time, saving money.

3 - I45 feeder. This I'm not sure about. It looks like it could take me long too but still not paying. Could this be the best of both worlds?

In my quest to save money, I would be wasting time sitting in traffic but could sitting waste money (gas) so much so that I should just pay to ride the beltway?

What can I do to be more productive on the road? I don't get home till late and then head to bed by 10:30/11. If I'm sitting in traffic what can I do other than listen to music or books on tape? I don't tend to get much time to myself during the day so anything that could help me, I don't know, would be great.

Thanks in advance.
posted by grablife365 to Travel & Transportation (13 answers total)
Stay off the feeder if at all possible. It always seems faster on the feeder and it rarely is. Depending on the area of North Houston you're commuting from, can you access 288 and then exit W. Broadway to go home? Alternately 288 to the tollway then exit Pearland.

I used to commute from Spring to the Galleria, 1 to 1 1/2 hours each way. After a while it became a kind of hobby to find alternate routes by learning cross streets and such. I actually grew to enjoy the time to myself, listening to music and making elaborate lists and plans in my mind.
posted by Allee Katze at 1:56 PM on January 5, 2010

So number three is off. It does always looks faster when I'm not moving.
The only ways I know are I45 to Rankin and the beltway to 249 to Cypresswood heading to Kyukendahl. I don't know any back roads yet but I'll try anything almost.

posted by grablife365 at 2:13 PM on January 5, 2010

You're going from Kuykendahl to Pearland in the evenings, or the other way around? North to South I'd go 45 - 610E - to either TX35 or I45. South to North is a pretty horrible commute that time of day. You should try 45 - 610E - 45 in that direction too, though, at least it bypasses downtown.
posted by IanMorr at 2:35 PM on January 5, 2010

Pearland to Kuy in the evenings.
It is pretty horrible :(
Thanks for the advice I may try both.
posted by grablife365 at 2:50 PM on January 5, 2010

How about 288 north to 59 north to the Beltway westbound to I-45? Not as far out of the way as taking the West Sam, and no toll on that part of the Beltway. Also 59 is not nearly as busy as 45.
posted by Gridlock Joe at 3:02 PM on January 5, 2010

Any chance your employer would let you timeshift a litte? Even an hour earlier or later makes a huge difference on 45.
posted by chrisamiller at 3:07 PM on January 5, 2010

Gridlock, I may have to try that. 59N isn't usually that busy and if there isn't a toll that could work for me.

chrisamiller, there really isn't a way to since I'm working early from 730 in the morning to 6pm at night. Would be nice though. I took 45 around 4-5pm last week and it was a huge difference.
posted by grablife365 at 3:20 PM on January 5, 2010

I cherished my time in the car going between Galveston and UH on I-45 during my last year in college. That was my NPR time. I got all the news and analysis I craved.

But I had to ensure that I wouldn't go crazy by being stuck in traffic. I went to the gym directly after class, or I hung out with politikitty on campus until the traffic had died down. I'd caution against working out and exhausting yourself before an hour long monotonous drive. That's a recipe for disaster. But maybe there's something else you can do that you'd enjoy.

Also seconding that the feeder is not your friend. In addition to not being faster (stoplights!), people are crazier and more dangerous. You've got plenty of merging going on, exits from parking lots, and everyone is moving at a different speed. Dangerous!
posted by greekphilosophy at 3:23 PM on January 5, 2010

My dad commutes and said to send you this link: Houston Traffic Reports and to listen to KUHF.

Be flexible-- you don't need to choose just one route and stick to it forever. Check the traffic conditions before you leave and then decide which has the best cost/time ratio for you. It will probably vary on a daily basis.
posted by jschu at 3:37 PM on January 5, 2010

What's wrong with 288? And why don't any of you guys (jschu, grablife365, IanMorr, Gridlock Joe, AlleeKatz, chrisamiller) come to our Houston Metafilter Meetups? greekphilosophy hardly ever bites, unless you ask nicely.
posted by pomegranate at 6:19 PM on January 5, 2010

Yes, Stay off the feeder. I was fooled by this more than once. It's like an oasis in a desert. An optical illusion.
I'm wondering if 288 might not be the better choice too. Not sure where you are in Pearland...

Telephone to Beltway (you could probably take that feeder there aren't too many lights) but also only one toll I think.
Then 288 to 610 to 45???

that might be too many extra miles.

Also, if you use an EZ Tag they usually give you a tiny break on the toll prices. Not sure if you already included that on your toll cost.
posted by fogonlittlecatfeet at 7:15 PM on January 5, 2010

I agree with 288, but it will only get you into the middle of downtown. You will hit lots of traffic as soon as you have to make the choice of 45 or 59. I suggest experimenting with different routes. It took me several years to figure out the best way to get from the Heights to 288/hwy6. It still takes me about 45 minutes to get to work and about an hour to get home.

Best of luck and while NPR (KUHF) is your friend, it has terrible traffic reports. Houston Transtar is nice and they have a mobile site. They also have Twitter for each major highway.

as far as things to do to help you pass the time... I highly recommend carpooling. You can talk shop and then leave it there (not bring it home). It is a nice stress reducer. Other than that, podcasts, NPR, audiobooks, etc.
posted by nimsey lou at 7:36 PM on January 5, 2010

jschu, thank you so much for the link! Tell your dad I said thanks as well. I'm playing with it now. I'm going to see if it works on my phone.

pomegranate, I would love more info on the meetings. I'll send you a mefi in case you don't check back here.

nimsey lou, great information! I will definitely keep these handy. Carpooling isn't an option right now but if it was I totally would.

Thanks for all the info guys. Right now I take 288 to 45N to Rankin but I will be trying out new routes the way home. Hopefully I'll find a good one that doesn't cost me or take me over an hour to get home.
posted by grablife365 at 7:30 AM on January 7, 2010

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