Moving a downloadable file to another downloading service?
December 16, 2009 9:02 PM   Subscribe

There's a pretty small file (a .rar that contains a .pdf) I want to download on Megaupload. The download keeps timing out after a few seconds and doesn't start from where it leaves off when I reattempt to download it. I'd like to know if there's a web service that will grab that file off of Megaupload and move it to another downloading site (since I've always had this problem with MU). TIA!

OK, there's a file (a .rar that contains a .pdf that is definitely virus/malware-free) I want to download on Megaupload. It's not big (3.19 MB), but I have never had luck with Megaupload. Every single file I have ever attempted to download there times out after 500 kb or so. When I try to download again (either using the original link to the file or the 'direct link' to the file), it doesn't continue downloading from where it leaves off. It starts over again, and then it times out. I don't know who originally uploaded the file, and I don't know of anyone who would download the file and upload it somewhere else for me. I'm on dial-up, so it's a pain.

I haven't have a lot of luck asking technological or internet-related questions on Metafilter, so I'm not expecting results, I guess. I just want to know if anyone knows of a free online service (website) that will either:

1) grab the file off of Megaupload and have it available to download somewhere else that is more stable and compatible with my connection (or will email the file to me, even)
2) grab the file off of Megaupload and convert it to.. whatever.. .zip.. I really don't care. Just so it's available to download at a different service and on a different server (and when I open it, there's a complete .pdf there that I can read).

I've tried submitting the 'direct link' to Zamzar, but, after a few minutes it said it couldn't do it. I kind of fear that this won't be possible because Megaupload does the whole CAPTCHA thing. I'm not trying to do get around any kind of security measures on Megaupload. I'm JUST trying to download a public file that is timing out.

Any (fairly simple) ideas (no coding or typing something on a command line or anything)?
posted by Mael Oui to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Can you just post the link? I'll download it and upload it to my server for you.
posted by ifranzen at 9:36 PM on December 16, 2009

Or email it to you if you post the link and put your email or a throwaway account in your profile.
posted by sophist at 9:48 PM on December 16, 2009

Response by poster: Another kind soul already offered, and I just got it! Thank you very much, Kind Soul! :-D And thank you to both of you who offered to download and reupload the file for me! I appreciate all your offers of kindness! :-D

So, I've marked this as resolved since my problem was solved (And so quickly! Thank you so much!), but, I don't know if I'm really the only person who has problems with MU. If anyone really does have any work-around hints for transferring download sites, feel free to chime in still!

And thank you all again! Happy holidays!!
posted by Mael Oui at 10:47 PM on December 16, 2009

I think the people at MegaUpload are doing everything in their power to prevent bots from using their site.

Bots don't read advertising and don't own credit cards to pay for memberships. From the point of view of MegaUpload, bots are parasites.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 10:49 PM on December 16, 2009

Response by poster: That makes sense. At one time, after submitting the CAPTCHA, using the direct link would continue downloads that timed out, but it seems like they've done away with that. I figured it was a bit of added security, which is reasonable, but makes the site totally unusable (well, for me). I've always wondered why Megaupload is the only site that times me out, though (not that I would actually understand the reason in technical terms).
posted by Mael Oui at 11:33 PM on December 16, 2009

Never wait for another download countown. Use SkipScreen.
posted by rxrfrx at 4:19 AM on December 17, 2009 [3 favorites]

You won't like this answer, but using wget to download instead of firefox's manager helps me with those download sites. Permanent stalling is more rare.
posted by gensubuser at 6:06 AM on December 17, 2009

Response by poster: Ha! Well, yes.. I did figure that wget would be a possibility. I'm just savvy enough to know that wget exists, but not savvy enough to know how to do it.

I'll have to try out SkipScreen! Thanks, rxrfrx!
posted by Mael Oui at 8:55 PM on December 17, 2009

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