Question about testosterone for a normal guy
December 15, 2009 7:33 AM

My google-fu is failing me and I have a question about my testosterone level. I had a blood workup for a physical exam and they said normal range is .2-.8 (I forget the units); I am measured at .72. Is this test meaningful? I would think I would be a lot hairier and hornier than I am if I was close to the maximum of the normal range of blood testosterone level.

Also. (I know this is now two questions but it is really closely related.) I do a failure point workout every third day. Is there any advantage in terms of muscle building to masturbating right before, in the middle, or right after the failure point workout? (I do 50 - 75 % workouts on the other two days of the three day cycle.)

Thank you!
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (9 answers total)
If you're falling within the "normal" range I don't see any reason why you'd have higher than normal amounts of hair and horniness.

As far as jerkin it while workin it (sorry, couldn't help myself) I can't imagine there'd be any sort of real benefit from it. I think if there were any benefit it'd be absolutely minimal compared to any number of other things you can do, like getting some good protein in as quickly as possible after your workout.
posted by fore at 7:36 AM on December 15, 2009

Take into account that your sensitivity to testosterone is also genetically determined. Those normal ranges are essentially statistical, so it is quite possible to be at the high end (or above it) and be physiologically normal, it is also possible to be well within it but to have problems (people with androgen insensitivity syndrome for instance)
posted by atrazine at 7:55 AM on December 15, 2009

I do a failure point workout every third day. Is there any advantage in terms of muscle building to masturbating right before, in the middle, or right after the failure point workout?

I'm going to go with "of course not," but you could always experiment and see. God knows plenty of people masturbate during their workouts at my gym. Good luck!
posted by ludwig_van at 8:33 AM on December 15, 2009

Statistically normal is statistically normal. Just because you tested at one level on one day doesn't mean you're there all the time - that's why it's a range. (Did you masturbate before the blood test?)

WRT your second question, I'm not aware of any scientific studies on the matter (test subjects needed? Where do I sign?) but I imagine any effects would depend on number of reps and intensity. Also, your warm-up routine.

Probably none, though.
posted by mikewas at 9:12 AM on December 15, 2009

I'm not sure what you want to get out of the ejaculation related to your workout. Are you hoping to boost testosterone?

In any case, the research seems indicate that serum testosterone levels in men falls post orgasm, and may stay depressed for as long as a week. What effect this has on working out, I cannot say.

Here are a couple of pubmed citations, you can pull keywords and search for more. I did find one paper in my brief search that indicates the serum levels rise in male rabbits post-coitus, so maybe, if you're a rabbit, you can use that to your advantage. (pdf)
posted by OmieWise at 10:21 AM on December 15, 2009

The rumor/myth I always heard is that refraining from masturbation/sex increases athletic performance and endurance.

I don't know if that's true. But the consequences are a lot better for your fellow gym goers. Please, please don't masturdate in the middle of your workout. Thanks.
posted by sbutler at 10:42 AM on December 15, 2009

You're at the high end of normal, but you're at normal.

In case you wanted to compare numbers, on your scale when I recently got tested for low hormones (due to a brain tumor) my testosterone was 0.033. On some meds it has gone up to 0.085, but still below the lower end of normal (I'm scheduled to start taking testosterone next month).
posted by mathowie at 10:53 AM on December 15, 2009

In terms of understanding how testosterone effects people, I think the most enlightening and entertaining way to learn about this would be to listen to this old episode of This American Life about testosterone. The whole staff of the show get their testosterone level tested and then make fun of each other after learning the results.
posted by ejfox at 11:25 AM on December 15, 2009

I'm not sure exactly how it works, but there is something to do with how quickly free testosterone gets converted to DHT.
posted by gjc at 7:23 PM on December 15, 2009

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