Where are they hiding them?
December 13, 2009 3:53 PM

H1N1 vaccine in NYC question. I'm looking to getting vaccinated for H1N1. I don't have a personal physician and none of the drug stores seem to have it (I was asked to call back in 2010) and I don't qualify for the free nyc clinics. Where else can I look?

I've looked at Google Flu Shot and much of the data seems incomplete/completely incorrect. I'm looking for a shot either on the Upper West Side or in the Financial District. My work offered the regular flu shot and I took it, but don't have immediate plans to offer the H1N1 due to availability. Any ideas? Will doctors agree to see me just for the shot (i.e. without committing to becoming their patient?)
posted by jourman2 to Health & Fitness (13 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You're probably SOL. There's a severe nationwide shortage of the stuff, and in most places what little they receive is being reserved for those who are at highest risk: children and the immunocompromised. Unless you fall into one of those groups, you're probably going to have to wait.

Production has been way below what was promised, and at this point it looks like they won't catch up until February or March, if not even later than that.
posted by Chocolate Pickle at 3:58 PM on December 13, 2009

You were eligible for this weekend's free clinics- they opened up eligibility to anyone over 4. Unfortunately, it's too late- they're closed now. However, this could be a good sign that doctors will soon have the H1N1 vaccine for healthy populations.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 4:06 PM on December 13, 2009

The Newark Dept. of Health was offering them to everyone at 110 William St. in Newark, as of last Thursday when I called. You might want to call yourself to make sure they're still doing clinics: (973) 733 7580. You can get to Newark in 15 minutes from Penn Station and the place is a 15 minute walk from the train station.
posted by Ashley801 at 4:12 PM on December 13, 2009

They have opened them up for the general public as of yesterday, I got one at a Walgreens Pharmacy in Colorado. It looks like there is a Walgreens in Manhatten , you might try calling them.
posted by BoscosMom at 4:18 PM on December 13, 2009

However, this could be a good sign that doctors will soon have the H1N1 vaccine for healthy populations.

I'm not in NYC but I'd like to second this sign. My county (in CA), which until last week reserved the vaccine for high risk folks, opened it up to everyone. I just walked into one of those clinics, paid $15 and got my shot.
posted by special-k at 4:20 PM on December 13, 2009

On further googling these Walgreens have H1N1 according to their website. I'd call before you go though.
posted by BoscosMom at 4:22 PM on December 13, 2009

As I understand it, Dr. offices that wish to have H1N1 vaccines had to agree to give them to anyone, not just their established patients, and needed to keep records submitted to the CDC website. This also means that most practices declined, as the required extra man hours would be too expensive for most.

Another point of vaccine availability rising, Travis county (Austin) TX has opened up their clinics to all. (getting mine Tuesday!)

311 is also worth calling, I understand NYC has a great and informative one. Ours has H1N1 information.
posted by fontophilic at 4:35 PM on December 13, 2009

2nd ing 311, also ask at CVS and Duane Reade.

If you or anyone you know have cards for the big box discount stores, you may want to check there too. I know our Sam's club was offering them for $20.
posted by cestmoi15 at 5:24 PM on December 13, 2009

I received the seasonal and swine shot for free at the Chelsea Health Clinic at 303 9th Ave.

This was some two months ago, and then they were giving them out only on certain days of the week. Call 311 or the clinic directly.

I lined up at 8am and was finally given the shot around 11am or so.
posted by meadowlark lime at 9:05 PM on December 13, 2009

NYC H1N1 Services. Click "weekend sites" as well as "health centers" and then punch in your zip code.

The weekend vaccination sites are/were serving any New Yorker who is at least 4 years old, including any healthy adult who would like to be vaccinated.

The health centers all have different restrictions and you have to click on each individual one to find out their policies. Some require reservations. Others are walk-in only. Hours and days of operation are listed on each health center's page. Call to ask about H1N1 availability.

Currently the closest Walgreens locations that have the H1N1 vaccination are all in NJ. The closest CVS locations that have the H1N1 vaccine are all in Long Island or NJ.
posted by kathryn at 9:09 AM on December 14, 2009

Just received this from my employer:

We wanted to inform you that the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) recently expanded the criteria for those who may receive the H1N1 vaccine to anyone age 4 and older, regardless of health status or occupation. According to the city health agency, these changes are intended to ensure the full use of available H1N1 vaccine in the New York City area.
posted by ThePinkSuperhero at 1:26 PM on December 14, 2009

Just an update:

Asked around to the major drug stores. CVS and Duane Reade have plans to offer it at 'some point' but no specifics. Walgreens says 'soon' but again no specifics.

At this point looks like my best chance is the weekend clinics.

Thanks all.
posted by jourman2 at 8:29 PM on December 14, 2009

Just as a follow up - I called Walgreens last week and the one on 57th and 9th had the H1N1 vaccine - walked in, got the shot and was out in 5 minutes.

Thanks for all the suggestions.
posted by jourman2 at 5:17 AM on December 26, 2009

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