Help me find or build a cool viewer for image sequences.
December 7, 2009 11:06 AM   Subscribe

Jeffry Friedl has this awesome image viewer that steps through a sequence of pre-loaded JPGs as you move the mouse across them. I would like to find a similar viewer, but using Flash.

I have sequences of images of varying length -- some time-lapse, some video, some other stuff for an upcoming project. The fun thing to do with these images is scroll through them.

What I'd like to find is a generic and Free/Open Source flash viewer app that displays these images sequentially as the mouse moves horizontally across the display window. The user should be able to move the sequence "forward" and "backward" just by flicking the mouse around.

Ideally, the app would load the images externally, perhaps from a list in a text file. That way, the image list could be easily updated and the app would not have to be compiled from Flash every time.

Finally, it would also be cool if the viewer app had a "play" button so one could just "play" the sequence.

I know that there must be apps that are at least close to this for the ObjectVR and Panorama communities, but searching Google is not yielding anything helpful. In a worst case, I will write my own application, but I'd rather just use something pre-made or contribute to something Open Source.
posted by fake to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
I definitely wrote this a few years back... ah, here's the link (same thing with onhover.

I'll try to find the source. But, why do you want to do this in Flash? If I were to do it today, I'd definitely write it in JS, for a bunch of reasons, especially because the Flash open source community tends to suck and the Javascript open source community tends to rock...
posted by tmcw at 11:18 AM on December 7, 2009

Response by poster: Nice, tmcw!

The reason I wanted Flash was because I'm an even worse Javascript programmer than I am a Flash programmer. I do understand how to use Flash to embed a graphical object into a page or blog, where I don't know jack about JS other than the usual hover/onclick/whatever.

I see the community advantage, and would love to have access to your app and would of course share any changes/enhancements, if I could make any.
posted by fake at 11:26 AM on December 7, 2009

Well, here's how I'd do it.

Load all the images into a holder, and make them all invisible except for the first one. Add an event listener that checked mouse x position. Check the position against the width and figure out the percentage, then make that image visible and all the other ones invisible.

Use AS3, for sure.
posted by lumpenprole at 11:49 AM on December 7, 2009

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