Looking for Julius Monk on CD or mp3
December 2, 2009 5:20 AM

Have Julius Monk's cabaret/nightclub shows ever been released on CD or mp3? Shows like "Take Five," "Pieces of Eight," and "Dressed to the Nines" were staples of my childhood, and I'd love to hear them again.

Julius Monk was an impresario who ran a series of cabaret nightclubs in NYC in the mid-20th century, including the Downstairs and Upstairs at the Downstairs. The clubs featured intimate revues studded with wry, cynical, and clever songs.

Cast albums were made for each show, and the vinyl can still be found on eBay and such, but I've never seen a CD or other digital format. Have you?
posted by underthehat to Media & Arts 2 users marked this as a favorite
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