How to find a taxi/care service to get parents from Jersey City to Long Island on Xmas?
November 27, 2009 3:47 PM

Shot in the dark filter: Does anyone have any ideas about how I can find a taxi/ car & driver service who can get my parents from Jersey City, NJ to Long Island for Christmas?

Hi all,

Since you never know until you ask, I was wondering how I could find a car service that can get my folks to the family christmas party at my cousin's in Long Island this year. When I visit them for christmas, I usually drive, but this year I probably won't be able to make it. I know there are public transport options, but the folks are hitting 80 this year, and my father has sight issues, so I'd rather find another way.

I've never hired a car service before, and can imagine that getting someone on christmas must be like hitting a lottery ticket. But, I thought I'd ask the hive mind.

I'd just need them to get out there, and they could stay overnight. I could hire a different car service/taxi cab the next day (I think it might be easier to hire a taxi/car service on the 26th).

Bonus points if you have any ideas about how car services charge? If I can do this, it is easier just to give them my credit card up front and make sure my parents have money for tip? Money isn't really the issue, their comfort is.

Anything else I should be thinking of?

Thanks All!
posted by anitanita to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total)
There are lots of car services in the NYC area. My father used to use this one a lot when he lived/worked in Manhattan and had to get my brother and me into the city from Westchester.

I have no idea what their rates are.
posted by dfriedman at 3:58 PM on November 27, 2009

I'm sure you'll get better answers, but my guess is that if you look Jersey City in Yelp and search for Taxi Companies, you'll get some good recomendations. Call the best one and ask him for a quote. I don't think this is really a big deal. I'd bet there are tons of drivers driving that night, and you are giving it a good head start.
posted by sully75 at 4:30 PM on November 27, 2009

Try Arrow Limousine - they've driven my family around most of New Jersey and a good chunk of New York, I think possibly including Long Island as well. They have cars, not just limos. It's definitely possible to arrange the credit card payment ahead of time, and we've always found them to be reliable and pleasant.
posted by Stacey at 4:50 PM on November 27, 2009

I've used car services in the tri-state area several times, but it can get really pricey when you cross boroughs/state lines ... Once I had several big heavy bags, and had to get from LaGuardia to NJ (Giants Stadium area) and it cost me about 100-120$. Booking ahead would be wise because of the holiday, but getting a car shouldn't be impossible; not everyone celebrates Christmas, so folks will be working/around.

As far as what service to use... I'd first look at car/limo services which are based near where your folks live. My parents' house is hereish, and the guy who works for/owns this company has sort of become a family friend because we've called on him so often, so I know he's a good guy from my own and my family's own experience. Mostly used his car service to go to/from EWR, which is a fairly short trip, but the website says they do go elsewhere.

Other than that personal recommendation, to shop around and get some price quotes, you can google 'car service' as well as 'limo service' in the Jersey City area. Perhaps check for reviews, too. Additionally, the local airports (JFK, EWR/Newark, LaGuardia) have lists of car/limo services on their websites, and those will be the more commercial ones, with online booking, etc. I think I used this one once, via a link off the JFK website, and it was ok. And, yes, you can pay with a credit card in most circumstances, just ask when you're pricing around!
posted by NikitaNikita at 4:55 PM on November 27, 2009

I would also suggest looking into limo companes as most of them would have Lincon Towncars for occasions like this.

I can vouch for Arrow as they are a good company but they are based in Central NJ (Red Bank). Not sure if they would do a JC->LI route, but worth checking out.

If you do look into Towncars, I would also expect that it's going to be over $150 each way for a ride like this, without knowing how far into LI you need to go. At least, that's the going rate for the Central NJ -> airport ride and how much it took me to go from Belmar to Middletown (NJ) after my wedding (35 minute ride).
posted by tommccabe at 4:57 PM on November 27, 2009

If they aren't intimidated by public transportation I would suggest the below, which is dependent on whether or not there is an LIRR station nearby.

Basically, they could easily take the PATH from JC into the 33rd street in NYC, and then take the LIRR out to Long Island. This would be the least expensive way to go, and may require getting picked up at the local train stop.

I used to live in Hoboken, and this is the exact route I would take if I needed to get out to Long Island for whatever reason.

If they are nervous about the LIRR, they can take the PATH into 33rd, and it would probably cut a fair amount off their car service, and they wouldn't have to worry about getting to the exact location, or missing an LIRR train. And lots of car services are available from Penn Station NY.
posted by tehdiplomat at 9:08 PM on November 27, 2009

I've always used Dial 7 for getting from Manhattan to the NYC airports. I did a quick search from Manhattan to Patchogue and it was $125 plus tips and tolls. You have to call for the fare from NJ to LI, but I'd expect to pay about $300 for a ride that long on Christmas. I've always had a good experience with Dial 7, and it is definitely worth the money so your parents don't have to deal with public transportation. You can prepay, including tips and tolls, with your credit card.
posted by melissasaurus at 3:37 PM on November 28, 2009

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