Tooth Whitening
January 9, 2005 2:00 PM

ToothWhiteningFilter: I received a box of Crest Whitestrips Supreme over the holidays - which would have been a pretty cruel gift, actually, but it was more of a take-one-from-a-grab-bag thing - and can't figure out how to use them. [More inside...]

... There are two different kinds. The first ones, for top teeth, are easy - they're regular rectangles which you stretch over the front of your teeth and fold over (pictured above). The ones I can't figure out are for your bottom teeth, which it appears you're supposed to apply two at a time. Each one is sort of an elongated "U" shape, but I can't for the life of me figure out how. Anyone have experience with these products?
posted by Sinner to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (12 answers total)
I've used them. They work pretty well. Unlike the commercials though I found it impossible to talk or anything while they wer in. The bottom ones are shaped differently because your bottom teeth are shaped differently and are smaller, but you still use just one strip.

The White Strips web site has a flash demo that sadly shows only the upper strip.

Anyway, the lower one has a narrower and a wider side. The narrower side goes up and folds over your teeth. You'll see the shape does fit your lower teeth better than a rectangle when you try it.
posted by AstroGuy at 2:18 PM on January 9, 2005

I've tried it, but the only real difference between professional and supreme is the amount of hydrogen peroxide. You can buy a full bottle for $1.29. Cut out the middleman.
posted by Dean Keaton at 7:16 PM on January 9, 2005

Can you just swish with hydrogen peroxide?
posted by orange clock at 7:20 PM on January 9, 2005

AstroGuy, I could be totally befuddled here, but the last time I opened these things there were two of the big u-shape ones in each of the "bottom" packs (haven't opened one in a whiel, though, so memory is foggy) ... does one go on the right side, the other on the left?

Also, sorry, Dean, I'm confused - are you saying that adding peroxide to your "professional" strips worked as well as using "supreme" ones? Or that the whole thing is snake oil, or ...?
posted by Sinner at 7:47 PM on January 9, 2005

It's been a couple months since I used them. AFAIK the only difference between the products are the strength of the peroxide not the shape. I remember the lower one being kind of u-shaped. I'm trying to find a picture online but I'm not finding any right now. Anyway, there's only one lower strip. If it helps to understand it, the Crest strips are only applied to the teeth that are visible in your smile. Unlike the tray+gel stuff it isn't intended to reach your back teeth. So the lower one looks small and funny shaped but it will fit and cover these teeth. Invert the U, put the wider part down, and fold the narrower part over. Why doesn't Crest or anyone have a pic of the lower strip?!
posted by AstroGuy at 8:23 PM on January 9, 2005

I only ever used one at a time on the lower teeth. Are people saying that the ones for the lower teeth were individually packaged two to a package? Mine weren't, and I've bought more than one box of these. They worked for me, and for my niece who also used them. I would wear them at work because I could set my computer timer for a half-hour, but when people came up to talk to me, I did sound a bit odd trying to talk with the tape on. I gave up early on the wearing one top/one bottom at a time, too. Wore a top one for 30, then the next day wore a bottom one for 30, and so on.
posted by GaelFC at 9:34 PM on January 9, 2005

From what I recall of these, when the bottom strip is peeled away from the plastic backing, there's quite a bit of "active" strip with goo left on the backing, which is trash, but might look something like a second strip. Doesn't the box have an illustration of how to apply the bottom strip?
posted by bonheur at 10:23 PM on January 9, 2005

Can you just swish with hydrogen peroxide?

No: that doesn't leave the H2O2 in contact with your teeth anywhere near long enough.
posted by kindall at 10:52 PM on January 9, 2005

Can you just swish with hydrogen peroxide?

No: that doesn't leave the H2O2 in contact with your teeth anywhere near long enough.


Once a week or whenever you have a big date, make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. (cost: less than $4 for a multi-year supply.) Brush your teeth with it. It tastes nasty so avoid getting it on your tongue. It also sort of burns on the gums so you can't really brush for long. Sometimes the edges of your gums will turn white, but this goes away within five minutes. Spit. Hey presto: instant visible difference.
posted by CunningLinguist at 6:45 AM on January 10, 2005


no, there's no explanation for the bottom-teeth component.
posted by Sinner at 10:57 AM on January 10, 2005


so, i tried this last night and it actually worked pretty damn well! i don't think the effect will last, but it's a great quick-fix. of course, it kinda burnt the shit out of my gums and they're still tender, but hey, what price beauty, ya know?
posted by tristeza at 11:03 AM on January 11, 2005

Cool! Glad it worked. My gums are generally a mess but they never feel tender after I do this...maybe you left it on too long?
posted by CunningLinguist at 5:58 AM on January 12, 2005

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