¿Es Spanish Cat language school in Australia bueno?
October 29, 2009 1:47 AM   Subscribe

Have you taken classes at the Spanish Cat, a Spanish language school in Australia. If you have would you recommend them?

They claim to have teachers who are native speakers, which is great, but they also appear to have developed their own methods and materials, which can go either way. I'm interested in learning the language quickly and keen on putting in quite a few hours of study each week.
Would also welcome any other recommendations for a beginner's course, although it must be in metro Melbourne, preferably in the South Melbourne/St Kilda/Prahran area. If you know of any good online courses, I'd like to know about those as well.
posted by ponystyle to Education (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Best answer: I checked with the mods and it was OK to respond to my own question, which I'll favourite as well because it's the only answer and a great one at that (this I didn't run past hem though):

I started the course, managed to catch 5 or 6 classes before I had to pull out because of a new job, but the teacher, material and method were great. A very positive experience. Yes, the teachers are native speakers. Mine would teach different pronunciations depending on people's requirements. They had us talking to each other in Spanish from the start! I'll definitely go back once things quiet down at work.
posted by ponystyle at 5:07 AM on August 27, 2010

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