What TV character to be for Halloween?
October 20, 2009 3:00 PM   Subscribe

HalloweenCosutmeFilter: I'm tall blonde girl...help me come up with a TV-themed Halloween costume idea!

I'm going to a Halloween party with a TV theme, and I don't have any good costume ideas. I was thinking about going as Number 6 from Battlestar Galactica, but I'm not sure that enough people will get the reference, and there is nothing worse than having to explain your costume to everyone. Any ideas, hivemind? Bonus points for an idea for my boyfriend (other than Gaius Baltar!).
posted by just_ducky to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (24 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Samantha and Darrin Stephens?
posted by cmgonzalez at 3:04 PM on October 20, 2009

Betty and Don Draper?
posted by sharkfu at 3:05 PM on October 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

If your blond hair can be coaxed to look a little red, I would throw in my two cents to go as April O'Neil. Turtle power and a pretty easy costume to make...
posted by eytanb at 3:06 PM on October 20, 2009

Best answer: If you're lame: Serena from Gossip Girl
If you're awesome: Lindsay from Arrested Development (bonus points for red SLUT shirt)
posted by oinopaponton at 3:12 PM on October 20, 2009 [3 favorites]

Vanna White - and for the boyfriend - Pat Sajak
posted by gyusan at 3:12 PM on October 20, 2009

To follow the idea of coaxing your hair red for the night: how about Ginger from Gilligan's Island? Then your boyfriend can have his pick of the Professor, Gilligan, the Skipper, or Mr. Howell (though if he chooses Mr. Howell, then you could stick with the blonde and go as Lovey).
posted by scody at 3:14 PM on October 20, 2009

Your boyfriend could be House, MD and you could be Cutthroat Bitch (Amber). She died on the show a while back, so maybe you could even do Zombie Cutthroat Bitch.
posted by peep at 3:17 PM on October 20, 2009 [2 favorites]

I was thinking about going as Number 6 from Battlestar Galactica, but I'm not sure that enough people will get the reference, and there is nothing worse than having to explain your costume to everyone.

If you look good in that iconic red dress, you won't need to explain shit.

But if you must, get a "Hello, My Name Is..." sticker and just write "6" or "Cylon" on it.

I once put on my best suit with a sticker that read "SATAN" on it. It worked. People laughed.
posted by Cool Papa Bell at 3:17 PM on October 20, 2009

Seven of Nine? (Jeri Ryan in Star Trek Voyager)
posted by longsleeves at 3:19 PM on October 20, 2009

Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan from MASH?
posted by goml at 3:23 PM on October 20, 2009

Angela Bauer and Tony Micelli from Who's the Boss.
posted by thisperon at 3:26 PM on October 20, 2009

Sarah from "Chuck". Here's an image in her outfit from her undercover at the hot dog shop.
posted by cali59 at 3:29 PM on October 20, 2009

katie couric
posted by Think_Long at 3:34 PM on October 20, 2009

Political? Want to spend the evening as a snarling hyena? Ann Coulter.
posted by theora55 at 3:39 PM on October 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

DeeDee from Dexter's Lab
posted by asras at 3:40 PM on October 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Go as Rita Leeds (pic) and Uncle Trevor from Arrested Development. Alternately, go as Lindsey Bluth and virtually any other male character from that show.
posted by saladin at 3:50 PM on October 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

Jane Fonda is only 5'8" but there are several good costumes in Barbarella. And several men to choose from though Pygar would be the awesomest.
posted by Mitheral at 4:06 PM on October 20, 2009

Krystle and Blake Carrington?
posted by suki at 4:06 PM on October 20, 2009

If you have short blonde hair-- be Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica. All you'd need as a base are some green cargo pants, a grey tee and a black racerback tank worn backwards. (For if you want to be tough and cool.)

If you have shoulderlength curly blonde hair--- go as Cylon #6 from Battlestar Galactica. (For if you want to be sexy and evil.)
posted by np312 at 4:10 PM on October 20, 2009

Response by poster: Thanks for all the suggestions!

@np312, I have hair very similar to #6, which is why I had thought of it. I'm not sure I can pull off the look though!

@oinopaponton, I had also thought of Lindsay Funke, but couldn't think of an obvious costume. The SLUT outfit is perfect though...thanks!
posted by just_ducky at 4:14 PM on October 20, 2009

Jeannie and Anthony?
posted by jgirl at 4:19 PM on October 20, 2009 [1 favorite]

She-Ra and He-man?
posted by politikitty at 4:46 PM on October 20, 2009

Super Halloweenish (& excuse for a flip do) would be Marilyn Munster -- with either Herman or Eddie
posted by keener_sounds at 4:51 PM on October 20, 2009

Ohhh, I think Jeannie and Anthony is a great idea.

Or Marcia and Greg Brady?

posted by marsha56 at 8:18 PM on October 20, 2009

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