Switch between fullscreen video apps?
October 14, 2009 7:06 PM

I have three (Windows) video applications and one monitor. I want to be able to switch quickly (and as seamlessly as possible) between them running full-screen on the monitor (with keyboard hotkeys). Any idea how to do this?
posted by frenetic to Technology (4 answers total)
This might be more complicated than I realize, but maybe Alt-Tab?
posted by box at 7:23 PM on October 14, 2009

Dunno what version of Windows you're running, but I imagine all of them have apps that let you (a) have multiple desktops, and (b) switch between them via the keyboard.
posted by inigo2 at 7:56 PM on October 14, 2009

I imagine the phrase you're looking for is "virtual desktops". Searching for "virtual desktop windows gives a laundry list of applications, including a microsoft powertoy. The best solution will probably depend on what version of windows you're running.
posted by chrisamiller at 8:08 PM on October 14, 2009

You can do this in Windows 7 by using Win key + 1/2/3...etc, depending on the order of the apps on the taskbar, which you can also drag to reorder.
In earlier versions of Windows I'd do as box, alt+tab.
posted by Duke999R at 8:37 PM on October 14, 2009

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