Cheapest way from NYC or DC to Managua, Nicaragua?
December 30, 2004 9:25 AM

I'm going to Nicaragua this summer for the entire summer, and I'm looking for the cheapest way to get there from NYC or DC, to Managua. I'll leave near the end of May and return mid-August. Besides Expedia and the usual set of online price comparison engines, is there a good source for cheap fares abroad? (are there student discount places?)
posted by jare2003 to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total)
I understand that STA is usually pretty cheap, though I've never used them myself.
posted by willpie at 9:35 AM on December 30, 2004

Check out this post. You might also want to look into flying courier, though I don't really know anything about that.
posted by borkingchikapa at 10:03 AM on December 30, 2004

costa rica is next door, and there are tons of flights there from nyc--it could be a fun intro/adventure getting to nicaragua from there. : >

Lonely Planet mentions 2 airlines there, which you can probably get from Miami, i bet.
posted by amberglow at 10:48 AM on December 30, 2004

I was going to suggest freighter travel but based on some of the links I read, it looks like the cost (some estimates of $100 a day) would more than an airline.
posted by m@ at 11:01 AM on December 30, 2004

Look around the discussion boards (called "The Thorn Tree") for transportation options. Since you have so much time, have you thought about traveling overland for at least part of the way? You could fly into Mexico City and take a bus, probably a single bus all the way if you liked. Or stop off in Guatemala and Honduras. Probably more expensive than going directly, but a great cultural experience.
posted by LarryC at 11:31 AM on December 30, 2004

I use to book my flights, and I've generally had really good experiences flying with them, and getting good deals. They were even very helpful and helped me refund a ticket when I found out that I couldn't go to Germany. But you must be a verified student or faculty member. But I don't mean to sound like a shill.

I've also heard about flying courier, but I think that you need to be part of a membership club to be able to fly those flights.
posted by geryon at 12:02 PM on December 30, 2004

Courier flights are indeed cheap (like $100 rt), but they only go to obvious, big city, buisness-man-type destinations. Tokyo, BKK, Dubai, etc. I don't know any courier companies that do Central or South America, but if there are any, they're probably run by of a division of the airlines freight department. That might help with googling some up. Also, they only go out from the biggest US cities.

I bet you're better off at STA.

Also, check the international and consolidator marketplace in SF and NYC. All of the companies that do *interesting* tickets advertise in a section of the alternative weeklies (village voice, etc.) If you need some numbers, email me. I've got the voice handy and their contact numbers are not easily googleable.
posted by zpousman at 3:34 PM on December 30, 2004

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