DnB in Ibiza
September 16, 2009 5:18 AM   Subscribe

I hope this isn't too niche -- I'm trying to find a Drum and Bass club/night/room in Ibiza at the end of September. Know anything about this?

I'm going to be in Ibiza Sept 26 through 29. I'd love to hear some DnB while I'm there, but can't find much information on the web. Maybe you know something I don't!
posted by wrok to Travel & Transportation around Ibiza, Spain (1 answer total)
Best answer: mate, if you can't find DnB while in Ibiza, something is definitely wrong. Check the local free rags when you get there. There are listings for just about every type of music.

Hopefully, someone will be able to recommend specific places, but if not, don't worry about finding the music you want to get your groove on to.
posted by Funmonkey1 at 7:18 AM on September 16, 2009

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