How do I duplicate the Wesley Willis sound?
September 12, 2009 7:27 AM

I would like to create a Wesley Willis-style song of my own. What's the best way to duplicate that background music?

If you know Wesley Willis, for the most part, every single song of his not only has the same song pattern, but even the same backing music. I was even fortunate enough to witness a live performance before his untimely demise.

Does this music already exist without vocals? Or failing that, does someone know the chords and/or buttons that he pressed on his Casio to create it? I think the best solution would be the latter, and I could buy one of those old Casios and then duplicate the performance anywhere. I don't intend to record it for sale or anything, just for myself and a couple of friends.
posted by greasepig to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Well, if it's just for fun maybe consider sampling the original WW tracks. Many of them seem to be based on a preset that has a short intro followed by a short looped phrase, and many of the tracks are instrumental for the intro and at least one full shot of the loop. So I reckon you could cut and paste your way to a complete backing track quite easily.
posted by galaksit at 7:35 AM on September 12, 2009

IIRC He primarily used Casio-type keyboards with the "auto-chord" feature....

According to Wikipedia: "Willis' keyboard of choice was the Technics KN series. Willis would obsessively trade in one KN model for the newest ones on the market during the time when he was making the most money (after his break-up with The Wesley Willis Fiasco). The KN1200 was the keyboard he was currently using, according to a Howard Stern interview."
posted by peewinkle at 7:40 AM on September 12, 2009

If you haven't got an old Casio (which I'd argue is the best option) there's an app called Band In A Box on the PC that can give very similar (and more easily programmable) results. That video gives a brief example. You just lay down the chords, choose a style, and off it goes.
posted by wackybrit at 11:31 AM on September 12, 2009

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