SFO to Downtown after midnight
September 5, 2009 7:38 AM   Subscribe

Getting from San Francisco Airport to Downtown SF after the BART stops running.

I'm heading to San Francisco this week and will be arriving at SFO late, right around the time the BART stops running. I will need to get from the airport to close to Union Square (Grant Plaza Hotel, Grant Ave), possibly after midnight. I'm on a fairly tight budget so I'd like to avoid getting fleeced on a cab if possible. I have read a little bit about the airport shuttles and this seems like the way to go, but I tried http://www.shuttlefare.com and got a few "Pickup times are unavailable for your flight requirements." I would also like to avoid any shady services. Are there good, after midnight shuttle services? Or should I consider another option?
posted by fx3000 to Travel & Transportation around San Francisco, CA (6 answers total)
SuperShuttle is the biggest shuttle provider at SFO; call them directly. I usually wind up having to take a cab when I get in late. You might be able to find another passenger who will split the fare with you.
posted by chbrooks at 8:47 AM on September 5, 2009

Your hotel has a link to a shuttle service (scroll to page bottom). Maybe they have a good deal with these guys?
posted by jasper411 at 10:45 AM on September 5, 2009

If you end up getting stuck, a cab will cost <>
Airport shuttles will be 1/2 that

Your hotel might have a free shuttle

If you have more time than money and really need to watch every dollar
you may be able to take SamTrans - 292 - towards Mission & 1st, S.F, it looks like there are busses every 30 minutes till late late at night. Slower but cheap $1.75!

You can use the the 511.org trip planner to find out public transit options and the exact bus schedule to get you close enough downtown.

Market street is 2 blocks from Union Square and it's a safe enough walk even at that time of night if you get dropped off at Power Cable car turn around or there abouts.
posted by bottlebrushtree at 11:12 AM on September 5, 2009

I live in San Francisco and don't have a car, and SamTrans is generally what I use when I need to get to/from the airport when BART isn't running and I don't want to pay for a cab or shuttle. In addition to the 292, the KX and 397 routes also go from the airport to SF. I believe they all run up Mission, which is one block south of Market in downtown SF. Your hotel is readily walkable from there.

You may want to call the hotel and see what they recommend as well; they should be used to answering such questions. You can also ask if there's a shuttle deal.

And definitely keep 511.org in mind. It makes getting around the Bay Area on transit much easier.
posted by tellumo at 2:36 PM on September 5, 2009

opps my cab cost got eaten, it read less than $35.
posted by bottlebrushtree at 3:09 PM on September 5, 2009

Response by poster: Thanks for all the replies. Turns out my JetBlue flight arrived about 40 minutes early and I caught the BART with plenty of time to spare. I didn't have to test out the backup options. What's up with antiquated BART ticket kiosks though? :)
posted by fx3000 at 4:48 PM on October 5, 2009

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