What are some vegan restaurants in Colorado?
September 2, 2009 3:50 PM

Are there any vegan or vegan-friendly restaurants in or around the following places in Colorado: Denver, Boulder and Breckenridge?

The boyfriend and I will be in Colorado in September. He's somewhat familiar with those three areas since he lived among those places for 12 years but he hasn't lived in Colorado for about 5. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If there are any other suggestions for things other things that we should do or see, those suggestions are welcomed also, thanks!
posted by MaryDellamorte to Travel & Transportation (7 answers total)
I loved Watercourse Foods when I was in Denver.
posted by AV at 3:51 PM on September 2, 2009

The Crown in Breckenridge is definitely not a vegan place, but they do have several veggie entrees, a few of which might be vegan too; I'd try to stop in ahead of time to ask though. They do have internet+coffee and a nice atmosphere regardless.

The ski area in Breck runs one of its chairlifts for sightseers during the summer; I'm not sure how late into September they go, but it is a good way to get up and see the views; you can do the hike back down easily (did it last weekend with my friend and her 9 month old). Since Breck itself is above 9000' this might be a good idea if you don't have time to acclimate.

Alternatively there are many hikes listed here in the Summit County area. Although the views will be a bit tarnished due to the evil pine beetle destroying so many trees, you might get some nice Aspen color depending on weather/when you are in town.

Ooh and if the first snow happens while you're in town, it's fun to be in a restaurant-- my folks got free drinks (I think they gave me some ice cream) once upon a time.
posted by nat at 4:23 PM on September 2, 2009

Denver, Boulder, Breckenridge.

HappyCow is your friend!
posted by purephase at 4:35 PM on September 2, 2009

Oh yeah, Watercourse was great when I was out there visiting friends!
posted by orme at 4:54 PM on September 2, 2009

Purephase, I've been to HappyCow, but that site doesn't list everything and sometimes isn't up to date. I guess I'm looking more for recommendations from people who have actually gone to these places. Watercourse looks amazing, makes me wish I were going to be in Denver for longer than a few days.
posted by MaryDellamorte at 4:59 PM on September 2, 2009

In Denver: Watercourse is superb. In Boulder: Sunflower gets mixed reviews. Ras Kassa (Ethiopian) recommended on the Happy Cow website is fabulous. Neither of those are real cheap. There must be about a zillion more vegetarian/vegan restaurants in Boulder.

Oh, there is also another place in the Watercourse family called City O City (also in Denver). it is more of a pizza/coffeeshop/bar place. City, O’ City

206 E. 13th Ave, Denver, CO 80203
303-831-6443 / » Map
Open Mon - Fri 7am - 2am, Sat & Sun 8am - 2am
A downtempo coffee house and bar, serving thin crust vegetarian and vegan pizzas
posted by fieldtrip at 5:21 PM on September 2, 2009

I like the Leaf in Boulder.
posted by cosmac at 7:11 PM on September 2, 2009

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