Smelly couch, smelly couch, what are they feeding you?
August 29, 2009 7:31 PM   Subscribe

How to deodorize a leather couch?

I believe our five year old couch has slowly developed the odor of "overuse." Any tips on getting rid of this odor and general leather couch maintenance are much appreciated.
posted by drpynchon to Home & Garden (4 answers total)
I think most of the time this is odor on the inside cushion, or possibly on the fabric lining of the leather interior.

If you can get to it, air things out or use some Febreze on the cushion and the lining, but not on the leather exterior!

The leather itself won't absorb much odor, especially if you keep it conditioned and clean. I think there are some "leather fragrances" available - you might try asking at a higher end furniture store.

BTW, I was just grabbing my new Pynchon novel to crack it open when I saw this post and your user name. On the off chance that you might actually be the author, I checked your profile, no luck, but noticed that you joined MF on the same day I did! Wow. Trippy.

So, you're not really Thomas Pynchon, right?

posted by Aquaman at 8:20 PM on August 29, 2009

I've heard that (dry) teabags can absorb unpleasant odours.
I have not tried this on a couch, but for a non-invasive $1 solution it might be worth a try?
I would put the teabags in the crevices in places where, on the off chance some tea pigment colours the leather, it won't show.
posted by pseudostrabismus at 8:53 PM on August 29, 2009

My grandfather swears by this for leather stains and such, supposedly works miracles...

Cut an onion and a potatoe in half. Rub the onion on the spot, then the potatoe on the spot.

I knew a man that worked at a car wash. He did this to get stains out of the upholstery. I haven't tried it personally, but it's worth a shot.
posted by sporaticgenius at 9:39 PM on August 29, 2009

Use a quality, modern leather cleaner (not saddle soap), to clean the leather surfaces. Once cleaned and dry, you can treat the leather with mink oil, using a hair dryer set on low to help liquify the mink oil, and cause it to sink into the leather. Mink oil doesn't go rancid over time, as many cheaper oils used to soften tanned leather do.

Be sure your leather is colorfast, before treating the whole sofa, by trying products on a small inconspicuous area first.
posted by paulsc at 1:06 AM on August 30, 2009

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