Study for FM Actuarial Exam
July 27, 2009 1:50 PM   Subscribe

How should I study for the FM 2 Actuarial exam?

What is the best way to prepare for the Financial Mathematics Actuarial Exam? I need some sort of review guide that will (a) teach me what I need to know and (b) give me practice problems.

I am in the New York Area. Because I'd like to start right away, the best options for me would be a .pdf of some sort that I can download, or a book I can purchase at a store. I am surprised that Amazon (for example) doesnt have a better selection of prep books.

If my best/only options are ordering online, who should I order form?
posted by milestogo to Education (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Best answer: ASM, Broverman, or Actex are commonly used FM2 review guides. (I personally like ASM.) You can also use Guo, which is available as a downloadable purchase.

Actex is a safe site for ordering actuarial prep materials.
posted by neda at 5:22 PM on July 27, 2009

There's lots of exam and career-related discussion at the Actuarial Outpost. Also, check out the specific forum page for Exam FM, with advice on how to study. Myself, I recommend the BPPP books, but it really depends on your background.
posted by math at 6:46 PM on July 27, 2009

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