How do I get in touch with Chiquita employee?
July 20, 2009 1:59 PM

How can I connect with someone from Chiquita or someone knowledgeable about the Banana market, especially in regards to the E.U., for a class project?

We are working on a case study and have been encouraged to use outside resources. This case is specifically about Chiquita and their issues with the EU in the early 90's. We are hoping to speak with someone at Chiquita, but I have had no luck contacting someone.

Our real dream is to have them or someone who is involved in the fruit market (fruit analyst?) Skype into the classroom during our presentation.

Anyone have any idea on how to get in touch with these people? LinkedIn searches and random emails to the company have not helped.
posted by IzzeYum to Food & Drink (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
You could try emailing fellow Mefite Dan Koeppel. He's written an entire book on bananas and might be able to point you to the right person.
posted by sk381 at 2:23 PM on July 20, 2009

Have you tried someone in their PR department? They should at least be willing to route you to the right person, provided your questions aren't too controversial or confrontational.

CONTACT: Ed Loyd of Chiquita Brands International, Inc., +1-513-784-8935,
posted by downing street memo at 2:24 PM on July 20, 2009

Find them on Xing or LinkedIn and contact them there.
posted by oxit at 3:14 PM on July 20, 2009

Reaching out to these types of people is actually a part of my job. I've never worked on Chiquita or the banana industry, but let's see what my google-fu turns up.

First off, what do you want? DO you want to interview them over the phone for some research for your paper? Do you want them to speak to the class? (I think skype may be a bit too techy for these guys, they probably are more comfortable with a conference call, but you never know). Define exactly what you want first and then approach those people with a concrete plan. Don't be a rookie - these guys smell BS from light years away. It comes with their job.

From their website, it looks like your top two people in Chiquita are Michael Loeb, their top E.U. guy and Manuel Rodriguez, their corporate PR ("CSR") dude.

From this here recent CSR press release you have not only the emails and direct number to their US Investor Relations Person [Ed Loyd,, +1-513-784-8935] but also to a guy who works in the Brussels office of Chiquita, someone you are exactly looking for.

George Jaksch
Senior Director of Corporate Responsibility and Public Affairs
Phone: +32 32039135

You are going to need to write to these three gentlemen a nice email and send a proper paper letter + make some follow-up calls.

In the email, stick to the classic three short paragraphs (1: Salutations, introducing who we are, 2: What we are proposing and how Chiquita will benefit from what we are proposing, 3: The next steps in the relationship ie: "I will call you on xxxxx to further discuss the proposal"), contact details, closing salutations.

I would also strongly advise you to spin the opportunity into something positive for Chiquita. Depending on the age of the students, think along the lines of "A unique opportunity that would allow Chiquita to directly address the young leaders of tomorrow/lawyers/EU professionals of today". Promise that the school newspaper/class blog will write a (good, obviously) article about them.
Remember to send to all three of them a paper letter also - this is the stuff that gets your name/institution remembered. And only then, try calling to follow-up. Be polite but assertive. A good trick I learned is that if you get them on the phone but they don't have the time to talk now, immediately give them a choice of when to best be reached ("would you prefer I call you back early next morning or tomorrow late afternoon? When would be the best time?")

If no one from Chiquita answers your letters and phone calls, then contact the people behind the European Banana Action Network who organize the Second International Banana Conference.
Jeez, it looks like something is brewing in the banana industry.
That page above linked to a stakeholder's meeting that took place at the FAO in Rome two months ago. (Anything involving the UN is a big deal.) Looks like a "Forum on Sustainable Banana Production and Trade" is going to be inaugurated in December 09.
Defo contact the organizers of the Banana Conf. to get the low-down on what's happening in the industry.

EUROBAN Coordinator : coord-euroban at
Banana Link International Coordinator : blink2005 at

(*sigh*. Activists with gmail accounts. Beware that they can spin just as skillfully as their corporate opponents.)

Anyway, I bet you could pull off a great event/project by getting both sides to comment to your class. If you need help, email's in the profile.
posted by ruelle at 4:00 PM on July 20, 2009

ruelle put together a beautiful process for you.

LinkedIn was a good start; also, I encourage you to use your university alumni network to find out if there is anyone you can get a hold of through there. You will be amazed where people from your school turn up, and how much they may help you manuever yourself to someone with responsibility or a bit of collective memory from those days.
posted by whatzit at 4:59 AM on July 21, 2009

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