Decent cheap video projectors?
July 20, 2009 6:51 AM

Are there any decent sub-$500 video projectors out there? Sub-$300?

I don't want to crowd my apartment with a TV and this will be solely for watching movies. I prefer a small and quiet unit and don't care about supreme video quality, huge coverage area, etc.

I'd be happy with a picture the size of say a 42" TV, 720p or whatever. I've seen some "pocket projectors" which I seem to recall are cheaper than the full-sized top of the line units.

Are there any decent models out there in the sub-$500 price range you can recommend? Thanks.
posted by jjsonp to Media & Arts (4 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
$499 BenQ Joybee GP1 Pocket Projector

Engadget reviewed this one back in may and it seems like a very good product (save the awkward button design on the projector). I have not personally used though.
posted by jstarlee at 7:11 AM on July 20, 2009

I purchased the Infocus Screenplay 4805 a couple years ago for 400 dollars. It's been a good projector and one that I use more or less the way you describe. It's brightness suffers considerably in the daytime but during the evenings it creates a beautiful picture. It is however only 480p. This might be a problem depending on the source you use for your movie watching and how impressed you are with upscaling.
Looking around it doesn't seem as though there are many 480p projectors available anymore. I ultimately recommend the Mitsubishi HC1600 it's about $650 but by far the best projector for your money. Nice and bright, 720p, rave reviews. I have a friend who has one and the image is just stunning.

I'd be really concerned about using a pocket projector because of the brightness issue. I'm not bothered by the resolution of my projector but I do wish that it was brighter. And it is much brighter than an pocket projector. Much much brighter.

Also keep in mind that hooking up speakers to a projector set up can be a hassle since you will want the projector behind you and the speakers in front of you. If you value minimalism and don't have a good way of running wires this might be an issue.

Finally a good idea might be to follow they frequently have decent projectors at very affordable prices. You'd need to be pretty patient but it might pay off.
posted by I Foody at 7:51 AM on July 20, 2009

Seconding the woot recommendation. I got a decent refurb projector from woot for around 500 dollars.

One thing that I recommend is that you make sure to research before you buy. Especially the "throw" distance, or how far the projector needs to be away from the screen to display the image at a specific size.

Also, budget for a screen. Buying a decent screen with glass beads or similar refractive material is a world of difference from projecting on a wall or a sheet. My screen fits neatly over a large picture window and rolls up out of the way when needed.

Ooh, and one more thing... if this is going to be your primary TV, I'd definitely recommend mounting it to the ceiling so that it stays safely out of the way.
posted by mattybonez at 9:26 AM on July 20, 2009

Do you have any connections/friends in the military? We got three from DRMO for under $200 that are in great shape.
posted by Cricket at 2:20 PM on July 20, 2009

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