Help identify this fabric
July 4, 2009 9:28 PM

What is the name and designer of this fabric?

It looks similar to the Urban Couture line by Basic Grey for Moda, but doesn't seem to be one of those options.
posted by J Parker to Home & Garden (4 answers total)
No luck I'm afraid. Tin eye doesn't know the image. I also can't see anything quite right by Basic Gray. Where did you find the image? Is there a larger, uncropped version you have?
posted by multivalent at 2:13 AM on July 5, 2009

I couldn't find the exact fabric, but if a similar fabric would suit your needs, check tonic living or reprodepot who carry pretty much exclusively those kind of designs.

Also, Amy Butler - I couldn't find it in her current products on her website, but perhaps it's a discontinued design? (ebay usually has a lot of people selling Amy Butler so it might be worth digging through depending on how much you need to match this fabric exactly)

good luck!
posted by AV at 6:07 AM on July 5, 2009

I am a total amateur nerd for fabric design, and on first glance it does look like the Urban Couture line by Basic Gray for Moda--the swirls and cut out damask fauna especially--but you're right, it's not--and I can't even say that I think it might be that line with appliques or screenprinting added over because the colorway is wrong for that line. It also strongly reminds me of the Mercer Street line for Hoffman--it has the same damask butterfly cutouts and swirls, but the repeat is much smaller and again, the colorway is wrong.

I can't find it! If I had more time, I would explore Tina Givens (though her lines are usually a bit stranger, but maybe it's older--the movement and colorway and larger repeat suggests her). I already did an etsy supply search and didn't come up with it. You could also post on's blog, or email their admin--they are super helpful about this kind of thing. I still suspect there is some DIY screenprinting over something else going on, or maybe it's a spoonflower--there are some talented indie designers using their site at this point.
posted by rumposinc at 7:13 AM on July 5, 2009

Thanks for the help, everyone. I just found it - it's from In the Beginning Fabrics - Floragraphix II, pattern 1FGB2.
posted by J Parker at 2:38 PM on July 5, 2009

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