I need an Australian wine glass vendor who carries this model and will ship to Brisbane
December 7, 2004 10:20 AM   Subscribe

Australia shopping filter: I'm looking for wine glasses that look like these for a friend who lives in Australia. They are an Xmas gift, so I would like to find an Australian vendor who would ship it to Brisbane. My google-fu and yahoo-fu are failing me. Anybody have any ideas?
posted by ashbury to Shopping (5 answers total)
Brisbane apparently has a large shopping center called Myer Center. Perhaps one of the stores sells Lenox and would ship?

If not, a quick googling for "brisbane department store" or "brisbane travel guide" might present more options - that's how I found this one.
posted by boomchicka at 10:40 AM on December 7, 2004

i'd second boomchicka's suggestion. lenox is stocked in pretty much every major US department store. try contacting customer service in the major Australian retailers to see if they stock them and will ship.

(i gave my sister those for her birthday--they're really nice!)
posted by crush-onastick at 12:26 PM on December 7, 2004

Your best bet would be either Myer or David Jones. Neither of these stores have online purchasing facilities, but you might have luck going analogue:

David Jones, Brisbane
Ph: +61 7 3243 9000

Myer Brisbane
Ph: +61 7 3232 0121

If you've got a Visa/MasterCard you should be able to purchase it over the phone and have them deliver it. I'm almost certain that Myer will deliver, and I'm sure David Jones would be able to arrange it.

(It's a pity that your friend is in Brisbane, else I'd happily sort it out for you: I live in Melbourne.)
posted by cheaily at 2:21 PM on December 7, 2004

What cheaily said - Myer/DJ's is the way to go.
I do live in Brisbane. Email in profile if you need a hand.
posted by coriolisdave at 2:33 PM on December 7, 2004

If you want an easy online solution, Wishlist do glassware.
Though a quick browse didn't show anything exactly the same.
posted by bystander at 9:41 PM on December 7, 2004

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